Kawasaki_KR-1 (@KawasakiKR11)


The history of Daihatsu BEV: 1965~1993. -starting w/ Hijet BEV prototype in 1965. (I had no idea they were working on a parallel hybrid back in 1970) https://t.co/2pahQNSyNa https://t.co/I2JubToo8O
@NickytaLeb @CovidSerology @OYCar Same group, more yrs. I think it's just that HKU1 & 229E are biennial. https://t.co/O2OIpvIz8W


@KawasakiKR11 @CovidSerology Looks like Hiroshima was running a mix of anti-S and anti-N from August 2020 to February 2021. - 1st round: Aug - Sep - 2nd round: Oct - Nov - 3rd: Jan - Feb So further confirmation that pre-vaccination infection rates were *very* low in Japan. https://t.co/TPGnlX65VJ https://t.co/eCFuptSLV0

