新田均 (@NittaHitoshi)


The English translation of Chapter 5 of Part 1 of "The Illusion of" Arahitogami "and" State Shinto "" has been completed. https://t.co/bCAwdXbsG9
This is an English translation of the Chapter3 of my book, 'The Illusion of Living God “Arahitogami”and “State Shinto”: What did invoke Absolute God?‘ https://t.co/KOoEm2G4WW
This is an English translation of the Introduction to my book, 'The Illusion of Living God “Arahitogami”and “State Shinto”: What did invoke Absolute God?‘ https://t.co/WCKBPoEARD

67 0 0 0 OA 皇位継承の伝統

1万人以上の方々に読んでいただきたいと思っています。 https://t.co/NkM3rz1RgV

67 0 0 0 OA 皇位継承の伝統

皇位の父系(男系)継承についての私の最新の講演録です。 https://t.co/NkM3rz1RgV
The second chapter of Part1, my book,A Phantom of a “Deity Incarnate'' and "State Shinto". https://t.co/lE5vcqO98r
First chapter of Part1, my book,A Phantom of a “Deity Incarnate'' and "State Shinto". https://t.co/PVSTmlbI0B
My article about ‘’Daijosai“ https://t.co/wZCzrIQtwW
大嘗祭についての拙論の英訳です。 https://t.co/wZCzrIQtwW


