QUADRUPLE tour 2024@Fund (@PrivateHaru)


15 0 0 0 OA 十二月遊ひ 2巻

RT @NDLJP_en: This picture scroll from the early Edo period depicts events of the year and seasonal games in Kyoto. In the picture for Janu…
RT @NDLJP_en: Take a look at the history of go, a traditional board game in Japan: https://t.co/Uj7pZsGbHh https://t.co/Z9iy6WlibF
RT @NDLJP_en: “Gotenyama Hanami Shinagawazenzu” depicts people enjoying the cherry blossoms while sitting on a picnic blanket as they eat a…
CiNii 論文 -  宗教間対話としての東西霊性交流(第一部会,<特集>第六十六回学術大会紀要)  #interfaith #宗教学 #カトリック https://t.co/OXIDPQl6Yl
RT @HanazonoUniv: 【最近出た論文】小川太龍 仏教学科専任講師「臨済義玄が示す「無事人」と「無位真人」 : 馬祖禅の継承と展開」(『印度學佛教學研究』67(1), 2018-12)https://t.co/jyh0BXbzkI


15 0 0 0 OA 十二月遊ひ 2巻

This picture scroll from the early Edo period depicts events of the year and seasonal games in Kyoto. In the picture for January, children are playing vigorously, hitting a ball with a broom and a toy called a buriburi. #ndldigital https://t.co/A11wugut1n https://t.co/BsA9sasVyv

10 0 0 0 OA 寺子屋書初

A scene of kakizome (the first #calligraphy written at the beginning of a year) at #terakoya (private elementary school). Including a teacher in the top center, 18 figures are skillfully placed and interestingly depicted by #UtagawaToyokuni. #ndldigital https://t.co/3t8QcRrx6p https://t.co/PsvUpOfwMf
An der schonen, blauen Donau was first performed on February 15, 1867 as a choral waltz. Listen to the historical recording of a Japanese orchestra's performance 80 years ago. #blauenDonau #Strauss2 https://t.co/bUQq8zNtee https://t.co/fMKg8Nt0dk

