QRMC Risk Management (@QRMC)


Study of emergency on-call workers finds the strategic use of caffeine, light and sound can counteract grogginess and cognitive impairments #OHS https://t.co/Sab4rAHMwt
Study finds scheduled workplace nap breaks for night shift workers can increase alertness & improve #OHS https://t.co/efCuSyTMXD
Research points focus to importance of preventing workplace bullying because even highly resilient workers struggle to return to work after suffering injury from bullying #OHS https://t.co/XBMhDeuPik
Study confirms the link between work stress and insomnia problems #OHS https://t.co/U1tQF62duc
Study finds technical solutions (e.g. workstation adjustments) are better for lower back pain than behavioural and physical training #OHS https://t.co/VArqf8SUTJ
Research on vibration-related chronic pain, diseases and neurological disorders #OHS https://t.co/ibusAGKVFe
Study finds causing an injury to a colleague is a major risk factor for developing depression #OHS https://t.co/iYPBeGpWaZ
Study from Japan finds that burn-out risk increases when work and family pressures are mutually incompatible #OHS https://t.co/ML5DI2nZpP
Study finds workers are significantly more likely to suffer injuries in hot weather #OHS https://t.co/rImDgq3x3C
Study finds being able to detach from work after a shift improves safety and performance #OHS https://t.co/NLwGQNMSZN
Study suggests stressed workers suffer more dental diseases & lose teeth but supportive managers can help #OHS https://t.co/W7qlHgRI1e
Study: back pain sufferers less likely to take long sick leave if visit Dr regularly & get responsibility at work #OHS http://t.co/vetEOWW6


