「VεεLoΧΧγ・BITΞƧ」 (@The_Episiarch)


@TheCageySea @jeffday @jethroreading32 Yes! I posted about it on @echinoblog's QRT of this photo, but that cymothoid is really unusual in a few different ways, not just because of its position, but also the host that it's infecting. See more in this related paper https://t.co/cxHGV84Wc6
@ssappurisa3 @SeafloorScience NO. Top is the male, bottom is female. (雄 = male, 雌 = female For example, see: https://t.co/9DlNGQLpgb https://t.co/pSs5GAD1JJ
A flounder's eye is the hottest hangout spot for young hip gnathiid isopods going through their praniza stage https://t.co/gR5SiXjAOj https://t.co/GgXD6N8fvc
@bipbopbap @Reweth @DrCraigMc Well, the parts that retain any resemblance to free-living crustacean anatomy are the antennules (as in, you can actually see segments and joints), which they use as holdfasts. (paper it came from can be found here btw https://t.co/NBe2a53J2d) https://t.co/2asErEHWsA
Flying fish might be able to fly away from its larger predators, but there's no escape from a cymothoid isopod digging into your chest https://t.co/mhM1ue7Ddb https://t.co/ILK0JzIKhM
@MaureenBug Welcome to the wonderful world of gnathiid isopods https://t.co/gR5SiXjAOj https://t.co/j4fXTVh1gE
@bittelmethis This paper identified the molecules responsible for the aroma in Ayu (a Japanese freshwater fish) which also has a cucumber-like aroma https://t.co/6O3QvUt1ok
@BWWilliamsLab @danielledecarle @echinoblog @naturalsciences @NaturalistNC A branchiobdellid maybe? They are known to be ectocommensals of crayfish and have a fringe of tentacles around their oral region - see this for example https://t.co/jvInJFObkS
On the menu today: marinated mackerel sushi with anisakid garnish https://t.co/hMIArQs0fu https://t.co/eijy5eG7eF
TFW you're a tongue-biter parasite who just wants a quiet life in a fish's mouth then along come these butt-clinging monogeneans https://t.co/4aX2v7tgu2 https://t.co/Ru6odhWlXB
TFW you're a fish just trying to live your life but then an isopod comes along and starts eating your ass https://t.co/QCW8zh3Jx5 https://t.co/98G60NJmSz


