Dr. Thomas Ichim (@exosome)


Progranulin, which is deficient in some forms of #frontotemporaldementia seems to stimulate neurogenesis it would make sense that patients with #dementia have some deficiency in production of new neurons https://t.co/muhovMw26J
This new type of MSC called MUSE has some effect in infarct, STEMI, patients ...and seems safe https://t.co/mAGxunVDM0
A specific polymorphism of CTLA4 is associated with #heartattack could there be an #immunology component ? https://t.co/uBzZ7TCGl3
The biologic of #alcoholism is very interesting...seems like toll like receptors can actually interact with neuropeptides in the process of stimulating #inflammation https://t.co/P6PeqSvzy6
Just like in humans...dog #cancers are associated with expression of indolamine 2,3 dioxygenase https://t.co/l2MlFx6joK
Prebiotics have #cancer preventative properties through suppression of the #inflammation molecule TLR4 https://t.co/3iZE7T5r18
Intravenous vitamin c decreases invasive potential of ovarian #CANCER https://t.co/J8nFGBQqBR
Looks like M1 macrophages are bad for hematopoiesis...this would make sense since interferon gamma stimulates M1 and interferon gamma suppresses production of blood https://t.co/1FLhqflcnX
Vitamin C blocks cancer through suppression of angiogenesis....at least in this animal model... https://t.co/4UCQqPvj2Z
Immunology is never simple....in this study they show that miscarriage is associated with MORE not LESS Treg....but this is in the context of Th1... https://t.co/WHN3j1E9Pb
RT @microRNApro: @CoiningBits @RNAsucks @TakeThatCDC @exosome Add: https://t.co/wnGWCBlBwD "Characterization of single nucleotide polymorph…
In the old days people would transplant regenerative cells to try to cure heart failure Then they started supercharging the #stemcells by transferring genes Now they transfect microRNA https://t.co/jd0RwVDlne
RT @Immuneadvisors: Gout medicine colchicine prevents cardiac enlargement and remodeling after heart attack https://t.co/SHG4ca6YId @EricT…
RT @NobilisTx: Vascular damage is key mechanism by which #radiation therapy of #cancer in #brain causes cognitive decline https://t.co/uuoN…
RT @Immuneadvisors: #cordblood stem cells are useful in treating pulmonary #hypertension https://t.co/pTbmJ2zoxl https://t.co/XcswGcGFCR
RT @Immuneadvisors: Ozone therapy activates antioxidant enzymes like SOD in #horses https://t.co/3xD74R840H
Old paper characterizing molecules associated with naturally occurring tumor inhibitory polysaccharides https://t.co/A5ReY5vX7K
Fatty acids from jacaranda seeds kill leukemic cells https://t.co/nAVNO3ysRK #cancer #alternativemedicine https://t.co/ehQC7SSUyR
I knew shark cartilage blocked cancer angiogenesis https://t.co/NM3BMBa2yh but immune modulation ? That's kinda cool


@CoiningBits @RNAsucks @TakeThatCDC @exosome Add: https://t.co/wnGWCBlBwD "Characterization of single nucleotide polymorphisms for a forward genetics approach using genetic crosses in C57BL/6 and BALB/c substrains of mice" and https://t.co/7MN1siWLGD for links to @exosome's patented therapeutic solutions via amino acids.
#clinicaltrial using bone marrow stem cells 4 critical limb ischemia https://t.co/HwBkOuIXBj Improvement in ulcer and amputation #stemcells https://t.co/Nw7dvY5YQt
Gout medicine colchicine prevents cardiac enlargement and remodeling after heart attack https://t.co/SHG4ca6YId @EricTopol @doctoramitpatel https://t.co/18ogfxT9T6
Vascular damage is key mechanism by which #radiation therapy of #cancer in #brain causes cognitive decline https://t.co/uuoNsziTDi

