Japan Social Science Res (@japansocsci)


RT @NDLJP_en: "Materials newly available in the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room (10)" introduces some historical documents…
In which Ways is Karate(dõ) Japanese? A Consideration on Cultural Images of Bushid≈ç and Nihonjinron in the Postwar Globalization of Martial Arts Eduardo Gonzalez de la Fuente https://t.co/kLPAaQcBWN https://t.co/xuRC2w7CER
Changes in Psychological Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan: A Longitudinal Study Hiroyuki Kikuchi, Masaki Machida, Itaru Nakamura, Reiko Saito (@ReikoSaito5), Yuko Odagiri, Takako Kojima, Hidehiro Watanabe, Keisuke Fukui and Shigeru Inoue https://t.co/8572yQBmV2 https://t.co/QB24K7DHJ1
Gender Difference in the Association Between Subjective Socioeconomic Mobility Across Life Course and Mortality at Older Ages Nagamine, Fujiwara (@takeo_fujiwara), Tani, Murayama, Tabuchi (@TakahiroTabuchi), Kondo and Kawachi https://t.co/TTWlfgVBUV https://t.co/gIhGF6D2vf
Combined Effect of Marriage and Education on Mortality: A Cross-national Study of Older Japanese and Finnish Men and Women Tami Saito, Tuula Oksanen, Kokoro Shirai, Takeo Fujiwara (@takeo_fujiwara), Jaana Pentti and Jussi Vahtera https://t.co/Zl2skHfvtf https://t.co/cLfiFClFiD
Student Loans and Psychological Distress: A Cross-sectional Study of Young Adults in Japan Yukihiro Sato, Richard G. Watt, Yasuaki Saijo, Eiji Yoshioka and Ken Osaka https://t.co/0Oh3AkMsMx https://t.co/uteDOfN6N0
The self -stigma of patients with epilepsy in Japan: A qualitative approach Izumi Kuramochi, Naoshi Horikawa, Sakie Shimotsu, Toyohiko Hiwatashi, Masako Watanabe, Mitsutoshi Okazaki and Haruo Yoshimasu https://t.co/IHOtmLJee2 https://t.co/X6gmIPmNA5
Lingering Impact of Starting Working Life During a Recession: Health Outcomes of Survivors of the "Employment Ice Age" (1993-2004) in Japan Takashi Oshio https://t.co/HpDsDVc5sE https://t.co/F7PLrFstpv
Prospective Study on the Association Between Adherence to Healthy Lifestyles and Depressive Symptoms Among Japanese Employees: The Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study Fukunaga, Inoue, Kochi, Hu, Eguchi, Kuwahara, Miki, Kurotani, Nanri, Kabe and Mizoue https://t.co/WAY4loXE6n https://t.co/BIvmngTw5U
Cohort Profile of the NEIGE Study in Tokamachi City, Japan Yugo Shobugawa, Hiroshi Murayama, Takeo Fujiwara (@takeo_fujiwara) and Shigeru Inoue https://t.co/6D8OBdKtXM https://t.co/YUHtWuNCQr
Help-Seeking Behavior and Psychological Distress by Age in a Nationally Representative Sample of Japanese Employees Takashi Yamauchi, Machi Suka and Hiroyuki Yanagisawa https://t.co/0rpuaDTqiK https://t.co/BFJZIZLry0


