Miguel McMinn  (@miguelmcminn)


RT @PelagicosLab: A global study of 32 seabird species found that seabirds accumulate chemical additives derived from ingested plastic in t…
RT @Cat_Sharks: Científicos descubren una nueva especie de crustáceo que vive en la boca del tiburón ballena Más info
RT @IBIS_journal: Quacks snack on smacks: mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) observed feeding on hydrozoans (Velella velella) https://t.co/CLOEx…
RT @IBIS_journal: Quacks snack on smacks: mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) observed feeding on hydrozoans (Velella velella) https://t.co/CLOEx…
@MiguelVericad Sustainable exploitation of Streaked Shearwaters Calonectris leucomelas on Mikura Island https://t.co/9wcHOZr0XC
RT @IBIS_journal: The ornithological application of stable isotope analysis http://t.co/zZiqpsPy9J @OrnithSci #ornithology
Predation by Feral #Cat on Streaked #Shearwater chicks http://t.co/HLd0DiEXX8 https://t.co/7iBHxT834T @SEO_BirdLife @lacronicaverde
RT @IBIS_journal: Notes on a re-examination of type specimen of the Japanese House Martin http://t.co/LqLi1pGN5p #taxonomy #ornithology


A global study of 32 seabird species found that seabirds accumulate chemical additives derived from ingested plastic in their preen oil. High concentrations were detected in species with high levels of plastic ingestion. Read the paper here: https://t.co/0u2avHSBJV https://t.co/Jhkbq75eFU
Científicos descubren una nueva especie de crustáceo que vive en la boca del tiburón ballena Más info

