Population dynamics of #Chattonella (#Raphidophyceae), causative #flagellates of noxious #RedTides in #AgoBay, central #Japan, with an emphasis on cyst germination https://t.co/boz1lsyKKw #protists #algae https://t.co/b7jouCuV15
Interaction between centrohelid and actinophryid #heliozoans: Field and laboratory studies: Liudmyla Gaponova et al. https://t.co/QLUfZNPQ7w #protists https://t.co/JSPN7Muwv6
Ultrastructural observation of a symbiotic dinoflagellate Zooxanthella nutricula from radiolarians collected off the northwestern coast of Okinawa Island, Japan https://t.co/2OLNircLUF #algae #protists https://t.co/xx6AztqKDr
Metabolite Profile Analysis of #Aurantiochytrium limacinum SR21 Grown on Acetate-based Medium for Lipid Fermentation: Charose Marie Ting Perez et al. https://t.co/3C97zCr3w7 #protists https://t.co/NrsO0y5ea5
Global Kinetoplastea phylogeny: understanding transitions from a free-living to a parasitic lifestyle. https://t.co/GXQlU9lgMw #protists https://t.co/7v3X3i7hw5
A Bacteriophage from an Obligate Intracellular Symbiont of a Cellulolytic Protist in the Termite Gut. https://t.co/YJHDYU6Z5T #protists https://t.co/b7UnuyRKWf