Michelle Holder (@sweetsfiend)


J-STAGE Articles - A Case Report of #NeuroSweetDisease Spectrum Disorder Presenting as #Encephalomeningitis without Cerebrospinal Fluid Pleocytosis (free PDF) https://t.co/WkCS6Ip12r #SweetsSyndrome
"NBD and NSD seem to constitute part of a spectrum of disorders based on the combination of risk factors." J-STAGE Articles - #NeuroBehçet Disease, #NeuroSweet Disease, and Spectrum Disorders https://t.co/DdOnHRj1UO
In #Japanese, but free PDF has excellent images. A case of #SweetsSyndrome with #oral mucosa hyperplasia as the initial symptom https://t.co/tCE95pSscL #Cancer #MDS
Aortic Regurgitation Presenting with Recurrent Detachment of a Prosthetic Valve, as the First Presenting Symptom of #Cardiovascular #BehçetsDisease https://t.co/lT1Gpd8Nq5
Multiple #Hemorrhagic #Cerebral Cortical Lesions in #NeuroBehçets Disease https://t.co/xULaqMoqoP #Free #PDF #Behcets
Treatment with #Adalimumab for #Intestinal #Behcets Disease during #Pregnancy (full-text) https://t.co/IxlnyRGXgk
#PyodermaGangrenosum in a Patient with Multiple #Myeloma (full-text) https://t.co/lyhg1iFFOn #PDF
#Tonsillectomy to Effectively Treat a Patient with #Behçets Disease (full-text) https://t.co/t1I5wcSMsT #PDF
#Adalimumab for Treating #PyodermaGangrenosum with #UlcerativeColitis...(full-text) http://t.co/CNcGPJBNwD #SteroidTaper
A case of #Behcets disease & systemic #sclerosis developing after an earthquake disaster (full text). https://t.co/16xvPSzjXX
#Behçets Disease Complicated by Giant-Cell #Myocarditis (full text) https://t.co/YhDST34yaL #Cardiac #Heart
Tuberculous #Lymphadenitis and the Appearance of #Behçets Disease-like Symptoms (PDF) https://t.co/7nfFmhYWFS #Mycobacterium
An usual case of vasculo- and neuro-#Behçets disease with #MEFV mutations (Full text PDF) https://t.co/CWlYpKdTpM #Neuro
Evaluation of #Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Chronic Wounds (Full Text PDF). https://t.co/VF4Uvi50E6 #PyodermaG #DM #Vascular
Efficacy of #Infliximab in Patients with #Intestinal #Behçets Disease... https://t.co/gfkODSAWVg
#Neuro-Behçet’s/Neuro-Sweet’s Disease Presents Simultaneously... #Behcets #SweetsSynd https://t.co/bm0EaYB2Ky
A Painful Elevated Erythema (Neutrophilic Dermatosis) Associated with Myelofibrosis https://t.co/d40QKRpOhC
Possible Neuro-Sweet Disease Mimicking Brain Tumor in the Medulla Oblongata #SweetsSynd #Neuro https://t.co/bl4ydYaJdl


#Adalimumab for Treating #PyodermaGangrenosum with #UlcerativeColitis...(full-text) http://t.co/CNcGPJBNwD #SteroidTaper

