Emily (エミリー・メープル・ボーン) (@writerofscratch)


Excerpt shown in above tweet is from 「セクシュアルマイノリティとメンタルヘルス」by 松本洋輔 (Matsumoto Yosuke). https://t.co/Nl9KZPXiIj
The article in question is 『近年のオランダ児童文学に見るLGBTに対する意識ー児童図書「モルモット一匹とママが二人」を中心に"』(2020) by Masako Nishikawa-Van Eester, known as 西川(ヴァンエーステル)雅子 in Japanese. https://t.co/FtTZ6yNUVg
Oh boy. Dr. Frene published a study titled "Chinese racial* characteristics: observations from a German psychologist". Although it was published in 1941, you still can't access the file digitally because of copyright. *民族性 could also mean "national". https://t.co/PAQGWSOoXO https://t.co/qpcJcHea6p
Frene was a fan of right-wing nationalist Mitsuru Toyama as well as Nietzsche. He ended some of his letters with "Furuno Chuichi", which seems to have been his self-chosen Japanese name. In the NDL there's a 1941 work by a 古野忠一, could it be him? https://t.co/othkhMW8Sm https://t.co/OHRDKQKNeo
5. 「自治体の政策決定要因~情報公開条例波及の視点から~」by Shuichiro Ito (1999). Also good example of policy diffusion research applied to Japan, but easier to access than the article from the tweet above. Also: it is in Japanese. https://t.co/U0NmSLJJQU


大阪の維新は私学助成日本一だとされますが、公立が3年連続定員割れすると潰す対象にします。正に公の民営化。長い目で見るといかに怖いか。 儲からなくても担わなければならない役割が公にはあるのに。 https://t.co/TYkognt405 https://t.co/sLwukTYqMu
First of all, following Stephen Day and Ian Neary’s paper from this year (https://t.co/6ts4L2njqE), koenkai are a major irritant in the beginning phases of building a party. They incentivize a lawmaker to prioritize its own support network over building out the party’s.
The yūrei-zu genre was popularized in the Edo period, possibly inaugurated by the work of Maruyama Ōkyo in the 18th cen. His Ghost of Oyuki painting here is perhaps one of the most widely recognized ghost portraits. See the Yoshitoshi in high res here: https://t.co/oUGPYg050f https://t.co/pwPQ1k1yPF

