藤田 豊久 佐野 葉奈 武藤 一 柴山 敦 宮崎 敏夫 井上 千弘
The Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan
資源と素材 : 資源・素材学会誌 : journal of the Mining and Materials Processing Institute of Japan (ISSN:09161740)
vol.117, no.1, pp.43-48, 2001-01-25

Bactrerium inhabiting in Amarume crude oil of Yamagata prefecture was identified as <i>Pseudomonas mendocina</i>. In the first step, biodegradation experiments were conducted by using the bacteria of 0.510<sup>6</sup> cells / ml and 300 ppm of chlorobenzene in aqueous solution under aeration and irradiation. After 6 hours, chlorobenzene was perfectly decomposed. Next, the mixtures of synthesized polychlorinated dibenzo-<i>p</i>-dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were degraded with the bacteria of 0.510<sup>8</sup> cells / ml, where the initial total concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs were 1,400 ppm and 180 μg-TEQ / ml. After 24 hours, about 70 % of PCDDs and 60 % of PCDFs were biodegraded. The biodegradation rates of PCDD / Fs were much faster than those reported in literatures with other bacteria.<br>


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