白 鶴 藤井 進 貝原 俊也
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.16, no.8, pp.377-387, 2003-08-15

In real manufacturing system, changes take place in the shop floor frequently. When a manufacturing simulation system is developed and used for the daily operational planning and evaluation, the simulation model must be in a good correspondence with the real manufacturing system. Therefore, how to reflect various changes in the manufacturing system to the simulation model and thus keep the model updated become important issues to be answered. In this study, towards automated updating, simulation-modelling formalism for manufacturing system is proposed. This formalism makes use of change suppression technique as well as late binding and polymorphism in object-oriented technology to make the simulation model uniform, consistent and keep unchanging even for various changes so as to achieve the automated updating. A generic framework capable to deal with the automated updating for manufacturing system simulation is constructed. The proposed modelling formalism is proved to be effective through experimental simulation system construction.


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こんな論文どうですか? 自動アップデート機能を有する生産システムシミュレーションのモデリングフォーマリズムに関する研究(白 鶴ほか),2003 https://t.co/813dZLdVKn In real manufacturing system,…
こんな論文どうですか? 自動アップデート機能を有する生産システムシミュレーションのモデリングフォーマリズムに関する研究(白 鶴ほか),2003 https://t.co/813dZLdVKn

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