仁平 尊明
一般社団法人 地理情報システム学会
GIS : 理論と応用 = Theory and applications of GIS (ISSN:13405381)
vol.9, no.2, pp.53-60, 2001-09-30

Making thematic maps with drawing software packages on personal computers will bring a significant contribution to the education of geography and to the analysis of micro-scale landuse maps there by making them more available and simplifying their operation. This study demon-strates the method of plotting a landuse map with a drawing software package and analyzes the completed map with an image processing program. The plotting methods are focused on (1) draw-ings of parallel lines, (2) partition of land plots, (3) selection of fonts, and (4) modification and selec-tion of patterns for land plots. The analysis also confirms, the measurement of land plots and the procedures for improving their precision. These techniques for plotting and analyzing a landuse map provide a basis for making all other thematic maps to be printed out in gray scale.


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こんな論文どうですか? 描画ソフトを用いた土地利用図の作成と分析(仁平 尊明),2001 https://t.co/6N2wC3RJap Making thematic maps with drawing software packages on p…
こんな論文どうですか? 描画ソフトを用いた土地利用図の作成と分析(仁平 尊明),2001 https://t.co/6N2wC3RJap Making thematic maps wit…

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