山口 久美子 加藤 敦夫 秋田 恵一 望月 智之
肩関節 = Shoulder joint (ISSN:09104461)
vol.34, no.3, pp.587-589, 2010-08-04

Coracohumeral ligament (CHL) is situated in the gap between the supraspinatus and the subscapuralis. There are only a few studies concerning the CHL after Clark and Harryman II (1992) in spite of the important role that fills the rotator interval. In this study, we dissected six shoulders of three cadavers to observe the spatial distribution of the CHL in detail. Four shoulders of two cadavers were processed to analyze the attachment of the rotator cuff and the capsule histologically. For the histological analyses, whole parts of the CHL were removed emblock, and serial sections were made from proximal to distal. In gross anatomy, the CHL attached to the proximal lateral surface of the coracoid process in its most proximal part. It filled the rotator interval between the supraspinatus and the subscapularis. Most distal part of the CHL extended to both the superior and inferior surfaces of supraspinatus, and both the anterior and posterior surfaces of subscapularis. In the rotator interval, CHL connected to the superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL). There was no clear border between the CHL and the SGHL in either gross anatomy or histologically. Histologically, the CHL contained only fine loose slack collagen fibers without any dense fiber that is normally observed in a ligament. With flexion and the extension, the CHL were stretched to pull the rotator interval. From these observations, the CHL seems to work with the SGHL for the stability of the long head of the biceps during shoulder movement.


外部データベース (DOI)

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烏口上腕靱帯の形態について ✅近位の部分で烏口突起の近位側面に付着 ✅遠位の部分は、棘上筋の上面と下面、および肩甲下筋の前面と背面の両方に広がってた ✅腱板疎部では、CHLは上腕骨上腕靭帯(SGHL)に接続されていました。 https://t.co/sQIOFsB400 #CiNii https://t.co/nMj6NNzTDP

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