森原 徹 小椋 明子 立入 久和 久保 俊一 黒川 正夫 三浦 雄一郎 福島 秀晃
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.715-718, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

In the motion of shoulder flexion(0-90 degree), the scapula was upward rotated at the center of acromioclaviclular joint. In the abduction, the scapula was upward rotated and depressed with the clavicle elevation and retraction. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the muscle functions around the scapula by electromyographic analysis during the flexion and abduction of the shoulder. EMG activities of upper, middle, and inferior trapezius muscle, and serratus anterior, were examined in 5 static positions from 0 degrees to 150 degrees for 5 seconds in each position during exercises of shoulder flexion and abduction in 6 healthy volunteers. We used Telemyo System 2400(Noraxon USA Inc) and analyzed by MyoVideo and MyoResearch. The relative activity of upper trapezius muscle did not increase, and the muscle activity of serratus anterior was increased significantly during the early phase of flexion. The relative activity of upper, middle trapezius muscle has gradually increased during the early phase of abduction. The scapular upward rotation pattern was different between that in flexion and abduction. This study indicated that the symptom of accessory nerve palsy is disorder of abduction, and the main symptom of long thoracic nerve palsy is the inhibition of shoulder flexion.
繁田 明義 内山 善康 橋本 紘行 持田 讓治 新福 栄治 大見 博子
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.907-910, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

Many studies have reported treatment effects of H2 receptor antagonists (H2RA) on calcific tendinitis (CT) of the shoulder. The purpose of this retrospective study is to compare the clinical outcome between the cimetidine and the famotidine of CT of the shoulder. We studied 72 patients with CT of the shoulder who were closed with H2RA (cimetidine or famotidine) and loxoprofen sodium from 2005. They were treated as follows, 41 with cimetidine and loxoprofen (group C) (14 males, 27 females, average age 54.3 years old) 17 with famotidine and loxoprofen (group F) (10 males, 7 females, average age 58.4 years old) and 14 with loxoprofen(group N) (8 males, 6 females, average age 60.2 years old). Shoulder joint pain was assessed by using visual analogue scale (VAS), and the site and size of calcium deposits were calculated by X-rays (frontal view and scapula Y). In addition, influences of the complicating diseases (diabetes mellitus and hypertension) were evaluated for treatment effects. Groups C and F improved their pain and decreased calcium deposit size more than group N (p<0.05). However, the pain and calcium deposit size was not significantly different between group C and group F. Diabetic patients reduced the effectiveness more than non-diabetic patients in groups C and F. Hypertensive patients reduced the reduction ratio of calcium deposit more than non- hypertensive patients in groups C and F. There were the same clinical results for both cimetidine and famotidine for the CT of the shoulder. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension inhibited the treatment effects of H2RA.
浜田 純一郎 高瀬 勝巳 藤井 康成 乾 浩明 小林 勉 後藤 昌史 塩崎 浩之 畑 幸彦 田中 栄 林田 賢治 森澤 豊 森原 徹 山本 宣幸
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.45, no.1, pp.122-126, 2021 (Released:2021-08-30)

凍結肩について,AAOSの定義と分類やISAKOSの提言があり混乱がある.そこで会員に対し凍結肩のアンケート調査をおこなった.その結果,AAOSの一次性凍結肩の定義,一次性・二次性凍結肩の分類に同意する会員はそれぞれ63%,53%であった.原因不明の拘縮肩の診断名は凍結肩31%,拘縮肩22%,肩関節周囲炎16%,五十肩16%と多くの病名が使われていた.調査結果から凍結肩と拘縮肩の定義の曖昧さとAAOSの定義や分類への同意率が低いことがわかった.英語論文100編を調査するとadhesive capsulitisが45%,frozen shoulderが41%であり欧米ではこの2病名を主に使っていた.拘縮肩と凍結肩の定義を明確化するため学術委員会では,可動域制限があれば拘縮肩とし,そのうち原因不明な拘縮肩のみを凍結肩,原因の明らかな拘縮肩を二次性拘縮肩とするISAKOSの提言を採用した.
植木 博子 吉村 英哉 日山 鐘浩 望月 智之 二村 昭元 秋田 恵一
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.38, no.2, pp.369-371, 2014 (Released:2014-10-01)

小胸筋腱の停止が烏口突起をこえて延長する解剖学的破格は以前から知られている.過去に我々が調査した屍体解剖実習体では小胸筋延長腱の発現率は34.6%(81肩中21肩)であり,延長腱は烏口突起を越えて関節包の方に広がっていた.今回,肩腱板断裂症例において鏡視下修復術時に小胸筋延長腱の有無を確認し形態について観察した. 対象は2012年6月から12月までに当院で鏡視下腱板修復術を施行した腱板断裂症例25例(男性13例,女性12例)であった.術中にまず烏口突起基部を同定し小胸筋延長腱の存在を確認した. 延長腱は25例中10例(40%)に認められた.烏口突起に停止せずに上面を滑動し棘上筋の方向に向かい,烏口上腕靭帯とは明瞭に区別がついた. 臨床でも延長腱の発現頻度は比較的高く,その走行および付着の形態より肩甲上腕関節機能に影響を与えることが示唆された.鏡視下手術では延長腱の存在を留意する必要があると考えられた.
肱岡 昭彦 鈴木 勝己 小林 靖幸 北條 暉幸 中島 民治
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.15, no.1, pp.9-12, 1991-09-01 (Released:2012-11-20)

Abnormal insertions of the pectoralis minor have been reported on by many authors, Most have dealt with its extending beyond the coracoid process and attaching itself to the capsule. We, however, studied the relationship between abnomal insertions of this muscle and the coracohumeral ligament.53 cadavers, i. e.106 shoulders were examined in this study,38 males and 15 females. The age of the cadavers ranged from 43 to 93, with mean age of 67.5 years.Abnomal insertions were found in 26 of the 53 cadavers and 39 of the 106 shoulders. This abnormality presented itself more often in females than in males.The coracohumeral ligament it usualy know as the ligament which occurs from the coracoid and is inserted in the humerus, but in our study this ligament did not clearly exist.In conclusion, we consider the coracohumeral ligament to be a residual l igament of the pectoralis minor or connective tissues in a part of the capsule.
筒井 廣明 山本 龍二 安楽 岩嗣 三原 研一 今里 有紀彦 保刈 成
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.15, no.1, pp.13-17, 1991-09-01 (Released:2012-11-20)

The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body combined with a small glenoid and a large humeral head. This joint has been thought to be an unstable joint because of its anatomical structure and the recurrence rate from initial dislocations. Our opinion of this joint is that it has most distinguished stabilizing mechanisms for keeping a wide range of motion.1. The first stabilizing mechanismThis mechanism is the bony combination of the radius between the glenoid cavity and the humeral head. The anatomical study showed the radius of a cross section of the glenoid was 16.8 mm and of the humeral head 22 mm. The computation of the maximum permissible kinetic vector that enables the humeral head to be on the glenoid was 43°.2. The second stabilizing mechanismThe second mechanism is the function of the anterior capsule including the inferior glenohumeral ligament.The anterior capsule works involuntary in both its tension and direction as the centripetal force does against the shear force.3. The disadvantages of these two stabilizing mechanismsThe disadvantages of these two stabilizing mechanisms are; - Inefficiency against the increased anterior kinetic vector during the positioning of the upper extremities vertically against the glenoid- The decrease of bony structural intensity compared with other joints such as the hip joint.4. The third stabilizing mechanismThe third stabildzing mechanism is the function of the shoulder girdle.Its first function is the mobility of the scapula working as shock ab s orber against the share force that falls on the glenohumeral joint.The second is the function of the shoulder girdle muscles such as the pectoralis major and the deltoid.In conclusion, therefore, a normal shoulder joint should be the most distinguished joint with these stabilizing mechanisms physically and anatomically maintaining a wide range of motion.
吉村 英哉 望月 智之 宗田 大 菅谷 啓之 前田 和彦 秋田 恵一 松木 圭介 中川 照彦
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.2, pp.217-219, 2007 (Released:2008-01-30)

Previous studies reported a presumably unusual bony attachment of the pectoralis minor muscle. However, less attention has been given to the insertion of the continuation to the glenohumeral joint. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the frequency of this abnormal insertion of the pectoralis minor muscle, and also to investigate the relation between this continuation and the capsule. 81 anatomic specimen shoulders from 41 cadavers were dissected. The insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon to the glenohumeral joint was carefully investigated. The pectoralis minor tendon ran beyond the coracoid process and extended to the superior portion of the glenohumeral joint in 28 out of 81 specimens (34.6%). The continuing insertion divided the coracoacrominal ligaments into two limbs. The continuation was more variable, and consisted of the whole tendon in 6, the middle part in 5, the lateral part in 15, and the medial part in 2 specimens. Furthermore, the pectoralis minor tendon inserted to the posterosuperior border of the glenoid in 6, to the greater tuberosity in 7, and both to the glenoid and the greater tuberosity in 15 specimens. The prevalence of the anomalous insertion of the pectoralis minor tendon revealed to be as high as 34.6% in the present study. This may suggest that the pectoralis minor tendon plays an important role in the stability of the glenohumeral joint.
吉村 英哉 望月 智之 秋田 恵一 加藤 敦夫 山口 久美子 新井 隆三 菅谷 啓之 浜田 純一郎
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.707-710, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

Our previous study revealed that the most proximal portion of the subscapularis tendon extended a thin tendinous slip to the fovea capitis of the humerus, and that the coracohumeral ligament (CHL) together with the SGHL was shaped like a spiral sling, supporting the long head of biceps and attached to the tendinous slip. Little information is available, however, regarding the relationship between CHL and the insertion of subscapularis on the lesser tuberosity. To clarify the significance of CHL, we examined the morphology of CHL and the subscapularis insertion in 20 cadaveric shoulders. The anterior portion of CHL arises from the base of the coracoid process and fans out laterally and inferiorly on the subscapularis. The fibers envelop the tendinous portion of the subscapularis on either side. As a result, the ligament forms a cable-like anterior leading edge over the rotator interval. The subscapularis tendon can appear in relative anatomic position unless the arm is brought into internal rotation and relaxation is achieved. We also demonstrated that CHL was associated with opening the bicipital sheath along its medial border during shoulder elevation. The coracohumeral ligament might contribute to the stability of the subscapularis tendon and to the morphology of the bicipital groove.
立入 久和 森原 徹 仲川 春彦 木田 圭重 祐成 毅 堀井 基行 久保 俊一 三浦 雄一郎 福島 秀晃 黒川 正夫
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.3, pp.719-722, 2011 (Released:2011-12-21)

Shrug exercise, which is one of the treatments for stiff shoulder and rotator cuff tear, is commonly performed. This exercise is also performed to relax the shoulder after surgery for rotator cuff repair. The effectiveness of shrug exercise for the rotator cuff has not been analyzed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the shrug exercise and to evaluate the usefulness of the shrug. Five asymptomatic male volunteers who had no history of shoulder abnormalities were examined. SSP (supraspinatus) muscle was measured by fine-wire electrodes and ISP (infraspinatus) muscle was measured by surface electrodes. At the time of non-shrug (group N) and shrug (group S), %MVC (maximal voluntary contraction) was calculated in the position of 0, 30, 60, 90 degrees flexion. %MVC of SSP in the position of 0,30,60,90 degrees flexion were 2,8,13,15% in group N, and 32,35,23,32% in group S. %MVC of SSP were increased at each angle. %MVC of ISP were 6,16,25,38% in group N, and 10,17,25,42% in group S. It has been reported that %MVC over 20% is high activity. %MVC of SSP showed over 20% at shrug position in this study, which was considered that shrug motion caused eccentric contraction of SSP muscle with the scapula elevating. From this study, it is considered that shrug excise is useful for cuff training, but may be overloaded on SSP in the early stage after surgery.
鈴木 一秀 筒井 廣明 三原 研一 牧内 大輔 西中 直也
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.3, pp.489-492, 2007

The purpose of this study was to clarify the condition of reattachment of the labrum to the glenoid rim after an arthroscopic Bankart procedure using suture anchors with an MR arthrography (MRA). We studied 48 cases ( 35 males and 13 females) after surgery with a recurrent anterior dislocation or subluxation. The patients ranged in age from 16 to 53 years old (average, 24.7). An MRA was performed at an average 11.8 months after the operation. In the MRA with an axial image and an oblique axial image in abduction and external rotation (ABER) position, we evaluated the invasion of contrast materials between the labrum and glenoid rim using the inferior 6 slice images of the glenoid rim. The 576 slices were categorized into 1 of 3 groups : good, fair, and poor. We used the JSS Shoulder Instability Score (Instability Score) for clinical evaluation. Axial images (total of slices : 288) revealed good (83.3%), fair (14.9%), and poor (1.7%). Oblique axial images in the ABER position (total of slices : 288) revealed good (77.43%), fair (19.8%), and poor (2.8%). The clinical results using the Instability Score had no significant differences between the group that had all good results in six slices and the group that had fair or poor results more than 1 slice in 6 slices of axial images and oblique axial image in the ABER position. The healing of IGHL-LC to the medial glenoid neck was recognized in 97-98% of the total slices. A non-union or re-avulsion of the labrum to articular cartilage of the glenoid were recognized in 15 to 20 % of the total slices, however the clinical results of arthroscopic Bankart repair were satisfactory.
加藤 真 岩堀 裕介 佐藤 啓二
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.28, no.3, pp.481-484, 2004-08-30 (Released:2012-11-20)

We verified the coaptaion effect of the subscapuraris muscle when the shoulder was immobilized the external rotation after initial anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, and the practical use of the immobilizer to keep the shoulder in external rotation position. We evaluated twelve shoulders of the 12 patients with traumatic initial anterior dislocation of the shoulder. All of the patients were male, and the in mean age was 22.2 years old(range,17 to 30). Fast-spin-echo T2-weighted axial and sagittal magnetic resonance images were made, with the arm held at the side and positioned first in the maximum internal rotation and then in 15°external rotation within one week after the dislocation. We examined the coaptaion effect of the subscapuralis muscle comparing the images in the both positions. The patients were asked about the compliance and the discomfort of immobilization. Bankart lesions were identified in 11/12 shoulders (91.6%). The coaptaion effect was observed in 10/12shoulders (83.3%). All of the patients put on immobilizers for 3 weeks, and answered that discomfort was within the bounds of their torelance. Better coaptaion of a Bankart lesion was observed in external rotation compared with that in internal rotation. The immobilizer was of practical use.
山本 敦史 高岸 憲二 岡邨 興一 設楽 仁 山口 蔵人 一ノ瀬 剛 小林 勉 大沢 敏久
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.34, no.2, pp.471-474, 2010 (Released:2010-09-03)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the variance of posture on shoulder pain and rotator cuff tears. A medical checkup was conducted for the residents of a mountain village in Gunma prefecture. The subjects consisted of 525 people including 1050 shoulders; 193 males including 386 shoulders and 332 females including 664 shoulders, with a mean age of 61.9 years old. We took their side view picture in a standing position, and divided them into 5 types according to the classification of Nakatani; normal (type 1), thoracic kyphosis (type 2), lumbar kyphosis (type 3), flat back (type 4), lumbar lordosis (type 5). We examined their background factors, physical examinations and ultrasonographic diagnosis of rotator cuff tear on both shoulders. We elucidated the prevalence of shoulder pain and rotator cuff tears with respect to each variance of posture. Additionally the subjects were divided into 2 groups; namely a Normal group (type 1), and a postural abnormality group (type 2-5). The differences between the 2 groups were evaluated.The normal type was present in 50.1%, thoracic kyphosis type in 24.6%, lumbar kyphosis type in 4.2%, flat back type in 6.7%, and lumbar lordosis type in 14.5%. Residents having shoulder pain frequently demonstrated thoracic kyphosis, flat back and lumbar lordosis. In addition, residents having rotator cuff tears frequently demonstrated thoracic kyphosis and lumbar kyphosis. The postural abnormality group was most commonly associated with elderly patients, who showed a decreased active forward elevation, a weaker external rotation strength, a positive finding for impingement sign and a decreased QOL. A logistic regression analysis revealed age, gender, present shoulder pain, an active forward elevation and EuroQOL (5 item) to all be significantly associated with an abnormality in the posture of these subjects.
山口 久美子 加藤 敦夫 秋田 恵一 望月 智之
肩関節 = Shoulder joint (ISSN:09104461)
vol.34, no.3, pp.587-589, 2010-08-04

Coracohumeral ligament (CHL) is situated in the gap between the supraspinatus and the subscapuralis. There are only a few studies concerning the CHL after Clark and Harryman II (1992) in spite of the important role that fills the rotator interval. In this study, we dissected six shoulders of three cadavers to observe the spatial distribution of the CHL in detail. Four shoulders of two cadavers were processed to analyze the attachment of the rotator cuff and the capsule histologically. For the histological analyses, whole parts of the CHL were removed emblock, and serial sections were made from proximal to distal. In gross anatomy, the CHL attached to the proximal lateral surface of the coracoid process in its most proximal part. It filled the rotator interval between the supraspinatus and the subscapularis. Most distal part of the CHL extended to both the superior and inferior surfaces of supraspinatus, and both the anterior and posterior surfaces of subscapularis. In the rotator interval, CHL connected to the superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL). There was no clear border between the CHL and the SGHL in either gross anatomy or histologically. Histologically, the CHL contained only fine loose slack collagen fibers without any dense fiber that is normally observed in a ligament. With flexion and the extension, the CHL were stretched to pull the rotator interval. From these observations, the CHL seems to work with the SGHL for the stability of the long head of the biceps during shoulder movement.
泉 仁 森澤 豊 村松 由崇 岩堀 裕介
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.42, no.2, pp.399-403, 2018 (Released:2018-09-03)

上腕二頭筋長頭腱(以下長頭腱)は肩の疼痛源の一つであるが,長頭腱の痛みが肩肘の運動機能に及ぼす影響については不明な点が多い.本研究の目的は,長頭腱由来の痛みが肩外転・肘屈曲筋力に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることである.健常成人男性14人を対象とし,1mEq/mlの高張食塩水0.4mlを結節間溝内の長頭腱に注射して一時的な疼痛状態を作った.注射前後で肩外転・肘屈曲の等尺性最大収縮筋力を比較した.注射後の痛みVASの最大値は6.6[4.3-7.2]cm(中央値[四分位範囲])であった.肩外転筋力は注射前の71±5 %に,肘屈曲筋力は69±4 %に有意に低下した.構造的,生体力学的異常がないにもかかわらず,長頭腱由来の痛みは肩外転・肘屈曲筋力を約30%低下させた.本研究は長頭腱の痛みが肩肘の運動機能に及ぼす影響の重要性および痛みのために腱切除術や固定術を行うことの妥当性,有効性を示唆している.
田中 直史 大沢 正秀 夫 猛 大槻 伸吾 大久保 衞
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.20, no.1, pp.91-96, 1996-10-15 (Released:2012-11-20)

PURPOSEWe have reported that there are scapulo-humeral rhythms in the horizontal planes with flexion and extention of the shoulder joint as well as with the elevation of arms and decrease in movements of scapulo-thoracic joint by ageing. Now we wish to propose that there also exists a scapulo-humeral rhythm in the rotation of the shoulder.SU BJECTS AND METHODSWe measured the scapular inclination in seven normal volunteers ranged from 23 to 37(mean: 31), using an X-CT and setting it at a neutral position with the shouldes in abduction 0 ° and flexion 0° and the elbow in flexion 90 ° . The scapular inclinations were measured:1)from neutral to 30° and the maximal rotatio nal position (internal and external)2)at neutral and 30 ° rotation (internal and external) when maximal rota tion isotonic motion were performed.
村津 裕嗣 水野 耕作
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.13, no.1, pp.91-94, 1989-11-01 (Released:2012-11-20)

We have experienced two cases of entrapmentneuropathy of the suprascapular nerve in three accessory nerve palsy.CASES. Three patients were refered to our clinic because of a dropped shouldor, inability to abduct the shoulder, and wasting of the upper trapezius. Among those, two cases showed moderate to severe pain in the shoulder region which was inproportionally strong as part of the symptoms of accessory nerve palsy.Case 1: A 28-year-old woman had a biopsy of the neck which was followed by increasing pain in the shoulder region. Five menths after the biopsy, an abduction support was employed to prevent dropping of the shoulder girdle. The symptoms gradually alleviated within five months after the abduction support had been applied.Case 2: A biopsy in the neck of a 23-year-old woman was followed by severe pain in the shoulder region. Five months after the biopsy, an accessory nerve was sutured, and the suprascapular transverse ligament was excised to decompress the suprascapular nerve. Five days after the operation, the pain in the shoulder was decreased dramatically.Discussion: On the basis of our experiences, entrapment neuropathy of the suprascapular nerve occurs at the scapular notch, having been presumably caused by insufficiency of the upper trapezius due to accessory nerve palsy. We conclude that this is one of the pathogenesis of the unexplained pain in the shoulder region caused by accessory nerve palsy.
濱野 哲敬 山本 敦史 小林 勉 設楽 仁 一ノ瀬 剛 下山 大輔 佐々木 毅志 高岸 憲二 角田 陽平 大澤 敏久
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.38, no.3, pp.810-814, 2014 (Released:2014-11-21)

腱板修復術後の筋萎縮・脂肪浸潤の変化について検討を行った過去の報告は,腱板修復術の手術操作そのものによる影響を考慮しておらず正確な評価がなされていない.本研究の目的は腱板修復術により腱板構成筋群の筋萎縮,脂肪浸潤が改善しうるか,術後早期と術後1年のMRIを用いて検討することである.2010年4月から2012年3月の間に肩腱板断裂の診断にて鏡視下腱板修復術を行った52例52肩を対象とした.筋萎縮の評価はThomazeauらの方法に準じて,棘上筋,棘下筋,肩甲下筋のOccupation ratioを計測し,脂肪浸潤の程度は同じスライスでGoutallier分類に準じて評価した.修復術後2週と1年でのそれぞれの評価を比較検討すると,筋萎縮は棘上筋のみで有意に改善し,この変化は中断裂以下で認められ,脂肪浸潤は棘上筋,棘下筋,肩甲下筋の全てで有意に改善し,この変化は大・広範囲断裂例で認められた.
見目 智紀 落合 信靖 山崎 博範 西須 孝 森石 丈二
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.2, pp.593-596, 2011 (Released:2011-11-02)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the loss of thoracic mobility and the stiffness of neck and shoulder. 61 persons (19 males, 42 females) who had no functional disorder in their shoulder were involved in this study. The average age was 34.0 ± 11.1 years old. The method of manipulation where we flex the subject's thoracic spine while holding the neck of the subject was the only maneuver in this study. We assessed VAS and place of the stiffness, change of sagittal spinal curvature in standing and banzai posture. The pop sound in the thoracic joint was obtained in 54 subjects. After the treatment, VAS was significantly decreased from 44.1 ± 29.8 to 18.8 ± 17.6. Among 29 persons feeling neck stiffness, 26 had improved. Among 44 feeling stiffness around upper scapula, 42 had improved. Among 14 feeling stiffness of medial scapula, 13 had improved. 2 felt stiffness on the scapula, 1 was improved after treatment. There was no significant difference between before and after manipulation in thoracic kyphosis, lumber lordosis and inclination of standing. But there was a significant relationship between the range of motion of the thoracic spine and VAS after manipulation. The improvement of the thoracic mobility induced significant improvement in the neck and shoulder stiffness. This result suggested the postural control disorder by the loss of thoracic mobility was one of the important factors of neck and shoulder stiffness.
藤井 康成 泉 俊彦 小倉 雅 東郷 泰久 栫 博則
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.35, no.2, pp.609-612, 2011 (Released:2011-11-02)

The purpose of this study is to show the relationship between the thoracic flexibility, and rotator cuff function and mobility and stability of the scapula in throwing athletes. We studied 20 athletes (16 males and 4 females, average age: 17.8 years old) to examine the effect of thoracic stretching on rotator cuff and scapular function. We evaluated the rotator cuff function with the elbow extension test (ET) and scapular function with the punching test (PT) and the sternoclavicular joint mobility test (SCMT), presented in the 36th JSS meeting, before and after thoracic stretching. The thoracic stretching was performed with a stretch pole. Subjects lay down on the stretch pole along their spinal line, breathing deeply several times to stretch the thoracic cage with the intercostal muscles and costolvetebral joints relaxed. We compared the positive ratio of the ET, PT and SCMT before and after the stretching. In the non-dominant side, all subjects showed each test negative irrespective of the stretching, while in the dominant side the pre-stretching positive ratios of the ET, PT, and SCMT were all 100%, and the post-stretching positive ratios of the ET, PT, and SCMT were 10, 25, and 0% respectively. There were significant differences between before and after the stretching in each of the 3 tests. All cases with the ET and PT positive after the stretching had an apparent improvement compared with the pre-stretching results. The thoracic flexibility greatly influenced the rotator cuff and scapular function in throwing athletes.
梶田 幸宏 岩堀 裕介 村松 由崇 斉藤 豊
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.41, no.2, pp.389-392, 2017 (Released:2017-09-20)
