佐藤 真久 岡本 弥彦 五島 政一
環境教育 = Environmental education (ISSN:09172866)
vol.20, no.1, pp.48-57, 2010-08-31

"Sustainable School" in UK prepares young people for a lifetime of sustainable living, through its teaching, structures, and day-to-day practices. It is guided by a commitment to care: (1) for ourselves (our health and well-being); (2) for others, across cultures, distances, and generations; and (3) for the planet, both locally and globally. The school puts a high value on the well-being of its pupils and the school environment. Furthermore, it is also a great place to learn, where pupils can develop self-esteem and achieve higher standards. The DfES developed the National Framework for Sustainable School, with eight doorways (themes), i.e. food and drink, energy and water, travel and traffic, purchasing and waste, school facilities and schoolyards, inclusion and participation, local well-being, and global dimension, through which schools may choose to initiate or extend their activities. Along with this line, the authors introduce the aspects of "Sustainable Schools" led by the UK Government: (1) the implementation strategy and the national framework of UK Government; (2) ESD implications internalized in the activities. This paper describes possibilities and potentialities of Sustainable Schools, thier implications for the area of Formal Education in Japan, and some related research activities conducted by Gayford (2009) and Scott (2003, 2009).


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