伯井 泰彦
経営と経済 (ISSN:02869101)
vol.76, no.2, pp.1-38, 1996-09

Why monetary control in capitalist economies fails? Endogenous money approach, according to Wray and taking Keynes's nominalist view into consideration, could answer this. Money is a balance sheet's script in transferring purchasing power, a term in which debt positions are described, and its asset item thus financed on demand by banking system. Historically and institutionally, endogenous money is a nominal asset that circulates in every sort of giro systems. Wallerstein's World-System might be reinterpreted in view of its wobbly circulation towards the World- (Giro) -System. Money supply cannot be controlled exogenously since it is determined by private decisions to enter into debt commitments for spending. Liabilities are contractually fixed but assets are indeterminate thus cyclically could fall. This nominalistic nature of monetary contracts is based on the characteristics discussed bellow. Such uncertainties in turn make liquidity preference volatile, whose constraints will emerge, as it were, quasi-exogenously. The latter is no way identified with the demande for money, nor met with the money supply. Financial instability in capitalism is therefore due to a dynamics between the endogeneity of money supply and the "quasi-ex-ogeneity" of liquidity preference. This view on monetary theory provides a compelling critique of financial liberalization.


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“ #伯井泰彦 Hakui Yasuhiko 長崎大学 経済学部 ”    /
[MMT][ヴィクセル] 1996年に書かれた物らしい。こんな早くから着目してた人がいたんだな。
[MMT][ヴィクセル] 1996年に書かれた物らしい。こんな早くから着目してた人がいたんだな。

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“ #伯井泰彦 Hakui Yasuhiko 長崎大学 経済学部 ”    / / 2件のコメント https://t.co/A1QrbOuAzT “CiNii 論文 -  なぜ資本主義は貨幣を管理できないのか--L.Randall Wrayの内生的貨幣供給論をめぐって” (2 users) https://t.co/ogkKuEosSy
“ #伯井泰彦 Hakui Yasuhiko 長崎大学 経済学部 ”    / / 2件のコメント https://t.co/A1QrbOuAzT “CiNii 論文 -  なぜ資本主義は貨幣を管理できないのか--L.Randall Wrayの内生的貨幣供給論をめぐって” (2 users) https://t.co/ogkKuEosSy
ムーア-レイ論争 “貨幣供給は完全に内生的で,利子率は外生的だと見なすマーク アップ派(…)と,ケインズの流動性選好概 念をより広い幅の資産領域に拡張し,利子率も何らかの意味で内生的だと見なす流動性選好派(…)に大きく二分され,後者の筆頭がレィだとされる。” https://t.co/Nlg0gS5oSb

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