村西 義一
法と政治 (ISSN:02880709)
vol.33, no.2, pp.217-235, 1982-10-30

The main purpose of this paper is to make a juristic approach to the relations between "the symbolic position of the Emperor and his acts in matters of state" prescribed by the Constitution of Japan. To do this, I will clarify, first of all, the concept of "symbol." And I will divide it into two aspects, natural and normative, and consider each aspect in connection with the ideas of expression, representative, deputy and organ. Then, based on these understandings, I will elucidate about the symbolism of the Emperor the relations between "the symbol of the State" and "the symbol of the unity of the people." Lastly, I will investigate into the relations between the factors constituting the symbol-the position, functions and powers of the Emperor-and his acts in matters of state.


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こんな論文どうですか? <論説>天皇の象徴的地位と国事行為 : その法律学的考察(村西 義一),1982 https://t.co/2OqX1qcSTE

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