荒井 章司
静岡大学地球科学研究報告 (ISSN:03886298)
no.20, pp.p175-185, 1994-03

The Circum-Izu Massif Serpentine Belt is a fossil transcurrent plate boundary of the Oligocene-Miocene time beween the Philippine Sea and the Eurasia plates. The Circum-Izu Massif Serpentine Belt encircles the northern end of the Izu Massif, almost parallel to a trace of the present plate boundary, the Sagami Trough and the Suruga Trough. The Circum-Izu Massif serpentinite had been mainly emplaced into or protruded onto the Oligocene-Miocene sediments. The Circum-Izu Massif peridotite, mainly harzburgite, is characterized by the mineral assemblage, olivine (Fo_<90-92>) + opx + cpx + chromian spinel (Cr#, ca. 0.5) +/- plagioclase (An_<90>), and is a low-pressure (ca. 5 kb) restite with or without melt impregnation. It may represent the uppermost mantle of the Shikoku Basin, which had begun opening during Oligo-Miocene, protruded along the transcurrent plate boundary at the northern end of the Philippine Sea plate ( the Shikoku Basin ) , by analogy with the protrusion of abyssal peridotites along the oceanic fracture zone. It had been accreted to the Eurasia plate by the ocean-ward bending of the central Honshu arc during the opening of the Sea of Japan in the Miocene. Detrital chromian spinel grains in the Oligocene-Miocene sediments in the Circum-Izu Massif Serpentine Belt memorize some ancestral peridotites with arc-mantle characteristics which had been protruded in the Belt before the present Circum-Izu Massif serpentinite (peridotite). The ancestral peridotites and dioritic rocks frequently associated with the sepentinites were derived from the deep parts of the Paleo-Izu-Bonin arc, which had been split and disrupted by the Shikoku Basin opening. Picritic basalts of intra-plate type closely associated with the Circum-Izu Massif serpentinite were possibly derived from the mantle plume which had caused the opening..


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@1484h そうでしょうねー こんなに大きくなるとは思いもしなかったですよ 去年のうちの卒論生にここ研究してる子が居たような気もしますが,アライさんの論文を添付しておきます https://t.co/g3Bzpei2JG
@robanotearoom あと「そっくり」なのも道理で、嶺岡帯の「つづき」であるとする論文が出ています。「環伊豆地塊蛇紋岩帯」というくくりです。科博の大M先生に伺ったところ「そういう説もある」くらいで、定説には至ってないようですが。http://t.co/rUdsOMchBp
@robanotearoom あと「そっくり」なのも道理で、嶺岡帯の「つづき」であるとする論文が出ています。「環伊豆地塊蛇紋岩帯」というくくりです。科博の大M先生に伺ったところ「そういう説もある」くらいで、定説には至ってないようですが。http://t.co/rUdsOMchBp

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