黒川 順夫
心身医学 (ISSN:03850307)
vol.28, no.6, pp.507-513, 1988-10-01

The most important portion of the original Morita Therapy is concerned with showing the patient how he is preoccupied by means of work and diary, and also with helping him learn through absorption in work, that he can do anything in spite of any pains and anxiety. But Morita Therapy is difEcult to practice under the current medical insurance system, or in the setting of modern cites where the doctor's ofEce is located in a high storied building with no provision materials for work. Therefore the author proposed "Walking Training Therapy (Modification of Morita Therapy)" in which walking is adopted instead of working. This therapy is conducted according to the following formula after the period of preparations which consists of one week of absolute rest. l. The patient decides together with the therapist where the final destination of walking will be. It is suitable to choose a station or a bus stop which is located within a 30 minute walk. 2. The patient decides the course of walking. 3. The patient decides the time of walking. 4. Speed of walking is left to the patient. 5. The patient walks by himself. 6. Distance of walking is gradually extended in so far as the patient can keep up the pace. 7. The stance the patient walked yesterday can certainly be covered today, despite the patients mood or the weather. 8. If the patient can walk to the final destination, he should begin to walk twice at his pace at different times. 9. The therapist must make a consistent evaluation of the patient according to the accomplishment of walking the routine distance in spite of pain or anxiety rather than the improvement of his symptoms. lO. It is desirable to guide the patient by means of the diary and also to add daily work besides walking. The author considers this therapy is more useful than the original Morita Therapy in psychosomatic medicine because it is possible for any doctor to practice it in hospitals of any modern city as well as on outpatients. Besides it does not change the essential part of the original Morita Therapy, that is, that he learns from experience. Also this therapy is very effective for such those with a phobia 6f going out, depressive state or anxiety neuroses and psychosomatic disorders.


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こんな論文どうですか? 歩行訓練療法 : 森田療法変法(黒川 順夫),1988 http://t.co/rhNPoBAGGn The most important portion of the original Mo…
こんな論文どうですか? 歩行訓練療法 : 森田療法変法(黒川 順夫),1988 http://t.co/rhNPoBAGGn The most important portion of the original Mo…

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