Takabayasi Takehiko
理論物理学の進歩 (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.49, no.5, pp.1724-1745, 1973-05-25

Classical theory of a relativistic string is formulated based on the parameter representation x_μ=x_μ(σ,τ) for the world strip swept by its motion. The necessity of the physically unam-biguous interpretation of this many-time formalism requires certain conditions. Invariance under the scale transformation of parameters is stressed. The physical meaning of τ is clarified. Besides the equation of motion and boundary condition which follow from the variational principle additional constrain t equations are needed to ensure a well-defined model without tachyonic solutions. The quantization of this classical theory is made in the usual way in the Heisenberg picture with respect to τ. Then by going over to the Schrodinger picture the parameter τ is automatically eliminated and we are left with a wave equation alone. Moreover this equation and the constraint equation are incorporated into a single "detailed wave equation", which was given previously as the fundamental equation of the quantum mechanics of a relativistic string. Case of external interaction is briefly treated.


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