Kobayashi Makoto Maskawa Toshihide
The Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.49, no.2, pp.652-657, 1973-02

In a framework of the renormalizable theory of weak interaction, problems of CP-violation are studied. It is concluded that no realistic models of CP-violation exist in the quartet scheme without introducing any other new fields. Some possible models of CP-violation are also discussed.
Junichiro MAKINO Akio MORITA Department of Natural and Artificial Systems College of Arts and Sciences University of Tokyo Department of Chemistry College of Arts and Sciences University of Tokyo
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.73, no.5, pp.1264-1267, 1985-05-25

It is shown by carrying out numerical calculations based on the stochastic Verhulst equation that the average value of the pupulation gives only a single peak, which contradicts with the previous result with several peaks.
Ohkuwa Yoshiaki
Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.65, no.3, pp.1058-1067, 1981-03-25

We calculate neutrino velocity in a background gravitational field on the basis of the Weinberg-Salam model and the general theory of relativity. We get an unexpected result which apparently contradicts with the equivalence principle. The neutrino velocity is greater than the ordinary light velocity C for some background metrics. The origin of this effect is that the neutrino, being virtually a pair of e^--W^+ or ν-Z, gets a quantum field theoretical space-time extension and feels tidal force. We discuss the relation between our result and the macrocausality.
Sigenobu SUNAKAWA Department of Physics Osaka University
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.14, no.3, pp.175-197, 1955-09

The time-dependent theory of scattering is reformulated. In §1, it is developed on the basis of a new limiting process which is self-consistent, and the equivalence is shown of Heisenberg's S-matrix and Dyson's one, when the total Hamiltonian permits the existence of bound states. In §2, a theory of scattering of wave packet is proposed in conformity with the physical picture. The damping factor e^<-ε│t│> is derived from the amplitude of the wave packet. In §3, the rearrangement scattering is treated on the basis of the wave packet formalism.
Ichiro TSUDA Edgar KOERNER Hiroshi SHIMIZU Bioholonics Research Project Research Development Corporation of Japan Bioholonics Research Project Research Development Corporation of Japan Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Department of Biophysics University of Tokyo
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.78, no.1, pp.51-71, 1987-07-25

A model which can perform learning, formation of memory without teacher for successive memory recalls is presented. The philosophical background of the study is summarized. The investigated network consists of two sets both composed of asynchronously firing model neurons. One set of neurons is responsible for the field effect, and the other is introduced as an input/output module. The field effect is given in the form of the system's self-response. It is shown that positive end negative global feedbacks by the field effect play an essential role in the successive recall of stored patterns. The possibility that these proposed mechanisms are implemented in the brain is discussed. We obtained a quasi-deterministic law on the level of a macrovariable concerning a random successive recall of memory representations by taking a Lorenz-plot of this macrovariable. We show that this macroscopic order is deterministic chaos steming from collapse of tori and this type of chaos can be an effective gadget of memory traces.
Swanson Mark S. Huang Justin C. Physics Department University of Missouri Physics Department National Central University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.58, no.1, pp.p113-127, 1977-07

We demonstrate that the finite temperature effective potential methods used in φ^4 field theory to study the symmetry behavior can be successfully applied to magnon fields. The Heisenberg Hamiltonian is converted into field theoretical form by the use of the Holstein-Primakoff transformations and continuum limit methods. Diagrammatic procedures are utilized to calculate the effective potential to the two-loop approximation. The critical temperature is determined by locating the point where the symmetry is restored. In constrast with φ^4 theory, the gauge symmetry is broken above the critical point and is restored below the critical point. Both high and low temperature approximations are utilized.
KONDO J. Electro-technical Laboratory
Prog. Theor. Phys. (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.32, 1964
13 3010

Based on the s-d interaction model for dilute magnetic alloys we have calculated the scattering probability of the conduction electrons to the second Born approximation. Because of the dynamical character of the localized spin system, the Pauli principle should be taken into account in the intermediate states of the second order terms. Thus the effect of the Fermi sphere is involved in the scattering probability and gives rise to a singular term in the resistivity which involves c log T as a factor, where c is the concentration of impurity atoms. When combined with the lattice resistivity, this gives rise to a resistance minimum, provided the s-d exchange integral J is negative. The temperature at which the minimum cccurs is proportional to c^<1/5> and the depth of the minimum to c, as is observed. The predicted log T dependence is tested with available experiments and is confirmed. The value of J to have fit with experiments is about -0.2ev, which is of reasonable magnitude. Our conclusion is that J should be negative in alloys which show a resistance minimum. It is argued that the resistance minimum is a result of the sharp Fermi surface.
Ito Yukio Faculty of Education Fukushima University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of Theoretical Physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.87, no.5, pp.p1299-1304, 1992-05

Assuming σ=τ=±π/2 and m_um_d≪m_tm_b, ReΔ_<31>>0, ReΔ_<22><0 and m_t^<phy><93 GeV are suggested, where σ, τ denote two fundamental phases in the Fritzsch-type quark mass matrix and Δ_<iα> stands for U_<jβ>U_<kγ>U*_<jγ>U*_<kβ> in terms of the quark mixing matrix elements U_<ij>. Further &mid;U_<21>/U_<12>, &mid;U_<13>/U_<23>&mid; and ImΔ_<iα> are discussed.
Hushimi Kodi Syozi Itiro Department of Physics Osaka University Department of Physics Osaka University
Publication Office, Progress of Theoretical Physics
理論物理学の進歩 (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.5, no.2, pp.177-186, 1950-04
3 33

After the matrix method in crystal statistics was introduced by R. Kubo^(1) Kramers and Wannier^(2), and others, Onsager^(3), using the abstract algebraic method, got the exact solution in the case of plane square net. His rather complicated method was simplified by Nambu^(6) considerably. We, independenty, attained the simplification of Onsager's method and have applied to the honeycomb lattice. And the exact solution has been obtained. From this, by the so called dual transformation we can get the partition function for triangular net. The Curie point occurs at ch 2H=2 in the honeycomb lattice and at exp (4H)=3 in the triangular net. These coincide with the resnlts obtained by the dual and star-triangle transformations^(4). The specific heat becomes logarithmically infinite but the energy itself remains continuous at this temperature. In the antiferromagnetic case, the honeycomb lattice behaves similar to the former case but the triangular net exhibits no phase change.
Persides S. Ioannides I. Department of Astronomy University of Thessaloniki Department of Astronomy University of Thessaloniki
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.58, no.3, pp.829-841, 1977-09-25

The behavior of asymptotically flat Einstein-Maxwell fields is studied in generalized coordinates u, r, θ and φ that become null-spherical only at infinity. The field equations satisfied by the metric and the electromagnetic tensors are derived in the first and second approximations, i.e., for the first and second non-zero powers of r^<-1> in the Einstein and Maxwell equations. The peeling property of the tetrad components of the Weyl and the electromagnetic tensors is established for arbitrary tetrad. From the Landau-Lifshitz complex the energy and linear momentum radiated per unit time by the gravitational and the electromagnetic fields are expressed in terms of the gravitational and electromagnetic news functions in the generalized coordinates. Finally the transformations which preserve the form of the metric are examined.
Yasutake Nobutoshi Hashimoto Masa-aki Eriguchi Yoshiharu Department of Physics Kyushu University Department of Physics Kyushu University Department of Earth Science and Astronomy Graduate School of Arts and Sciences University of Tokyo
Published for the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.113, no.5, pp.953-962, 2005-05-25

We present a scenario for the formation of strange stars due to spin-down of rapidly rotating neutron stars left after supernova explosions. In this scenario the rapid rotation plays a crucial role. We assume that the total baryon mass is conserved but that both total energy and angular momentum are lost due to emission of gravitational waves and/or magnetic braking. Under this assumption, we calculate the transition from rapidly rotating neutron stars to slowly rotating strange stars. As a result, we find that a large amount of energy, ~10^<53>, ergs is released. The liberated energy might become a new energy source for the delayed explosion of a supernova. Furthermore, our scenario suggests that supernovas associated with gamma-ray bursts are feasible sources of observable gravitational waves.
FermilabE653Collaboration USHIDA N. MOKHTARANI A. PAOLONE V.S. VOLK J.T. WILCOX J.O. YAGER P.M. EDELSTEIN R.M. FREYBERGER A.P. GIBAUT D.B. LIPTON R.J. NICHOLS W.R. POTTER D.M. RUSS J.S. ZHANG C. ZHANG Y. JANG H.I. KIM J.Y. KIM T.I. LIM I.T. PAC M.Y. BALLER B.R. STEFANSKI R.J. NAKAZAWA K. CHUNG K.S. CHUNG S.H. KIM D.C. PARK I.G. PARK M.S. SONG J.S. YOON C.S. CHIKAWA M. ABE T. FUJII T. FUJIOKA G. FUJIWARA K. FUKUSHIMA H. HARA T. TAKAHASHI Y. TARUMA K. TSUZUKI Y. YOKOYAMA C. CHANG S.D. CHEON B.G. CHO J.H. KANG J.S. KIM C.O. KIM K.Y. KIM T.Y. LEE J.C. LEE S.B. LIM G.Y. NAM S.W. SHIN T.S. SIM K.S. WOO J.K. ISOKANE Y. TSUNEOKA Y. AOKI S. GAUTHIER A. HOSHINO K. KITAMURA H. KOBAYASHI M. MIYANISHI M. NAKAMURA K. NAKAMURA M. NAKAMURA Y. NAKANISHI S. NIU K. NIWA K. NOMURA M. TAJIMA H. YOSHDA S. ARYAL M. DUNLEA J.M. FREDERIKSEN S.G. KURAMATA S. LUNDBERG B.G. OLEYNIK G.A. REAY N.W. REIBEL K. SIDWELL R.A. STANTON N.R. MORIYAMA K. SHIBATA H. KALBFLEISCH G.R. SKUBIC P. SNOW J.M. WILLIS S.E. KUSUMOTO O. NAKAMURA K. OKUSAWA T. TERANAKA M. TOMINAGA T. YOSHIDA T. YUUKI H. OKABE H. YOKOTA J. ADACHI M. KAZUNO M. NIU E. SHIBUYA H. WATANABE S. OHTSUKA I. SATO Y. TEZUKA I. BAHK S.Y. KIM S.K. Aichi University of Education Aichi University of Education University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) University of California (Davis) Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Carnegie-Mellon University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Chonnam National University Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Gifu University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Gyeongsang National University Kinki University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Kobe University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Korea University Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya Institute of Technology Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University Nagoya University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University The Ohio State University Okayama University Okayama University University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma University of Oklahoma Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Osaka City University Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Science Education Institute of Osaka Prefecture Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Toho University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya University Wonkwang University Wonkwang University
Published for the Research Institute for Fundamental Physics by Physical Society of Japan
Progress of theoretical physics = Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.89, no.3, pp.679-696, 1993-03-25

We report on the characteristics of 9 bb^^- pair events produced by a 600 GeV/c π^- beam and detected in the hybrid emulsion spectrometer of Fermilab experiment E653. The measured lifetimes for samples of 12 neutral and 6 charged beauty hadrons are τ_<b^0>=0.81^<+0.34+0.08'>_<-0.22-0.02> ps, and τ_<b^±>=3.84^<+2.73+0.80>_<-1.36-0.16> ps.
Shirafuji Takeshi
Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.70, no.1, pp.18-35, 1983-07-25
1 128

Lagrangian mechanics of massless particles with spin is studied, based on the interpretation that spin corresponds to displacement in complex directions. Starting with the action integral which ensures the masslessness of particles, two possibilities to introduce spin are investigated. In both cases, the equations of motion cannot fix the world line of massless spinning particles uniquely, due to a "gauge" invariance property of the action integral. The space-time coordinates are not the most suitable for describing massless spinning particles, but it is convenient to take a pair of spinor variables, i.e., a twistor, as the basic dynamical variables to which the canonical quantization procedure can be applied. In one of the two cases, where massless particles are considered to move in superspace with N spinor coordinates, it is found that massless particles form a spin (or helicity) multiplet with the helicity running from - N/4 to + N/4.
Sakamoto Toshio
Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.78, no.2, pp.423-434, 1987-08-25

In the method of stochastic quantization proposed by Parisi and Wu, the Langevin equation is set by using an additional fictitious time. The results of the usual quantization are obtained by taking the infinite limit of the time. For a system with a special class of potential, however, it is also possible to formulate the stochastic quantization based on the Langevin equation associated with the ordinary time. Applying this method, we investigate the stochastic quantization of the open-ends Nambu-Goto string. It is shown that the effective action derived out of the Langevin equation of the string has the form of a supersymmetric string, though the fermionic degrees of freedom are ghost variables.
Takabayasi Takehiko
理論物理学の進歩 (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.49, no.5, pp.1724-1745, 1973-05-25

Classical theory of a relativistic string is formulated based on the parameter representation x_μ=x_μ(σ,τ) for the world strip swept by its motion. The necessity of the physically unam-biguous interpretation of this many-time formalism requires certain conditions. Invariance under the scale transformation of parameters is stressed. The physical meaning of τ is clarified. Besides the equation of motion and boundary condition which follow from the variational principle additional constrain t equations are needed to ensure a well-defined model without tachyonic solutions. The quantization of this classical theory is made in the usual way in the Heisenberg picture with respect to τ. Then by going over to the Schrodinger picture the parameter τ is automatically eliminated and we are left with a wave equation alone. Moreover this equation and the constraint equation are incorporated into a single "detailed wave equation", which was given previously as the fundamental equation of the quantum mechanics of a relativistic string. Case of external interaction is briefly treated.
Kamimura Kiyoshi
Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.65, no.5, pp.1704-1718, 1981-05-25

A set of models of extended objects in space-time is studied using geometrical language. They are natural generalization of the relativistic point particle to extended objects in Minkowski space. The relativistic string model is one of the examples and its properties are studied in some detail. The time like oscillation mode, which gives rise to ghost state in quantum theory, is always suppressed by the geometrical construction in this approach.
Kamo Hideki Sohkawa Tohru
Progress of theoretical physics (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.57, no.5, pp.1749-1760, 1977-05-25

A possible theory of an open membrane is proposed. The space-time coordinates, swept out by the membrane, are denoted as X^μ(σ^0,σ^1, σ^2) where σ^a are parameters. A simple Lagrangian which is invariant under the re-parametrization σ^0→σ^0'(σ), σ^1'=σ^1 and σ^2'=σ^2 is set up and the equations of motion and the boundary conditions are derived. After the gauge is fixed, they are solved in the case where the membrane rotates rigidly and the mass-spin relation is obtained which is not infinitely increasing.
Takabayashi Takehiko
理論物理学の進歩 (ISSN:0033068X)
vol.51, no.1, pp.262-283, 1974-01

In this and succeeding papers we reconstruct the theory of relativistic string, taken as a model of hadrons, in a general and unifying framework. In this paper the classical foundation of the "realistic" string theory is clarified. The theory is derived from the action integral which is invariant under "partial general transformation" on the parameters (σ,τ) for the world sheet traced by a motion of the string, and the fundamental equations are originally covariant under this group. Then by choosing a suitable gauge we obtain Lorentz-covariant formalism associated with constraints. We analyze its characteristics and obtain solutions. Taking another gauge we get the equivalent "Lorentz non-cavariant formalism" free from constraint. This directly exhibits the physical meaning of the theory and also leads to its standard Hamiltonian formalism. Several conservation laws characteristic to our string theory are given.