佐藤 方信 及川 優子 古屋 出
岩手医科大学歯学雑誌 (ISSN:03851311)
vol.30, no.1, pp.53-64, 2005-04-25

Autopsy cases of tongue cancer in Japan were statistically analyzed. Autopsy cases were collected from the Annual of Pathological Autopsy Cases in Japan over the past five years (1997-2001). Tongue cancer was reported in 321 autopsy cases(M:241, F:79, Unknown: 1). The autopsy rate was 6.0% of 5,320 patients who died of tongue cancer in Japan. 103 of the autopsied patients (32.2%) were in their seventh decade, 74 (23.1%) were in their eighth decade, and 54 (16.9%) were in their sixth. Histologically, almost all the cases showed squamous cell carcinoma (96.8%). The cancer arose most frequently in the lateral borders (66.1%) of the tongue. Multiple primary cancers, affecting both the tongue and other organs, were found in 113 cases. The mean ages of only the autopsied cases of squamous cell carcinoma excluding the cases of multiple primary cancers were 63.8±10.1 (1997), 57.7±12.3 (1998), 65.4±13.6 (1999), 61.7±15.4 (2000) and 62.1±14.9 (2001) years old. However, the mean ages of multiple primary cancers, affecting both the tongue and the other organs, were 69.2±9.9 (1997), 70.5±11.2 (1998), 66.6±10.2 (1999), 68.2±11.6 (2000) and 69.9±15.5 (2001) years old. In cases of double cancers including tongue cancer, commonly occurring cancers were lung, liver, esophagus, thyroid and adrenal. Metastasis to other organs was frequently found in the tracheobronchus and lungs, liver, heart and aorta, bones, adrenals and thyroid. Metastasis to the lymph node was found in the cervix, lung hilum, periesophagus and peritrachea, left supraclavicula, and axilla. The most common cause of death was pulmonary infection.


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