浅原 慶一 合田 泰志 下村 友紀 藤原 康浩 瀬川 和子 雀部 貴美代 山本 英二 塚口 裕子
病院薬学 (ISSN:03899098)
vol.21, no.1, pp.15-21, 1995-02-10

As intravenous hyperalimentation (IVH) prepared from IVH basic solution and amino acid solution has become popular, lactic acidosis is receiving attention as a serious adverse reaction. Therefore, thiamine is added to IVH in order to prevent this adverse reaction. However, sodium sulfite (SS), added as a stabilizer to many IVH basic solutions and most amino acid solutions, degrades thiamine. Recently, since an amino acid solution without SS has been developed, it is now possible to prepare IVH without SS. In this study, we measured the time courses of the residual concentrations of both SS and thiamine in the 12 kinds of IVH containing multivitamin and investigated the relationship between the SS concentration and the stability of thiamine from the viewpoint of degradation kinetics. From the kinetic analysis results, the degradation rate of SS in the IVH stored in a bag was faster than that stored in a glass bottle. The degradation rate of SS in the IVH was very fast when SS is not included in the IVH basic solution. The degradation of thiamine in IVH was regarded as the apparent first-order degradation process and the degradation rate as being proportional to the SS concentration. The second-order degradation rate constant of thiamine by SS was not affected by the pH of IVH. Stabilization of thiamine by glucose was inferred by comparing the degradation rate of thiamine caused by SS in IVH and that in buffered solution without glucose.


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こんな論文どうですか? マルチビタミンを添加した高カロリー輸液中でのチアミンの安定性(浅原 慶一ほか),1995 http://id.CiNii.jp/HirbL

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