岡島 俊三
Journal of Radiation Research (ISSN:04493060)
vol.16, pp.35-41, 1975

Fallout from the Nagasaki atomic bomb was mainly concentrated in the Nishiyama district of Nagasaki. Studies conducted in 1945 and 1946 indicated the average dose due to the external irradiation from fallout in Nishiyama to be as high as 30 to 130 R. A significant leucocytosis occurred among Nishiyama residents two months following the explosion. In the present 1969-1972 investigation, Nishiyama residents and appropriate comparison residents elsewhere in Nagasaki underwent comprehensive clinical evaluations including thyroid function and chromosome studies, radiochemical urinalysis and whole body counting. No clinical abnormalities were found among the Nishiyama residents, but whole body counting demonstrated significantly elevated <SUP>137</SUP>Cs concentrations with parallel results by radiochemical urinalysis. Increased <SUP>137</SUP>Cs contents of soil and agricultural products of the Nishiyama area were apparently responsible for the relatively high body burdens. The annual internal doses from <SUP>137</SUP>Cs in the Nishiyama district were estimated to be 0.292 mrad per year for males and 0.187 mrad for females.


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生物学者がレフリーならカリウムコントロールやWBCの較正の方法もないような論文にOK出しませんってば。こんな弱小元生物学者ですらおかしいと速攻気づくのに。ちなみにWBCの論文ってのはこういう風に書きます。 http://t.co/y8zPmiot7Q RT @katot1970
生物学者がレフリーならカリウムコントロールやWBCの較正の方法もないような論文にOK出しませんってば。こんな弱小元生物学者ですらおかしいと速攻気づくのに。ちなみにWBCの論文ってのはこういう風に書きます。 http://t.co/y8zPmiot7Q RT @katot1970
ちなみに、その論文ではきちんとカリウムの数値も入ってますね。信用できます。 RT @glasscatfish: @iina_kobe @fukuoka_donax @Calcijp 長崎西山地区でのWBC http://t.co/3k6GejO5sq
ちなみに、その論文ではきちんとカリウムの数値も入ってますね。信用できます。 RT @glasscatfish: @iina_kobe @fukuoka_donax @Calcijp 長崎西山地区でのWBC http://t.co/3k6GejO5sq
@iina_kobe @fukuoka_donax @Calcijp 長崎西山地区でのWBCでは10-30 pCi/kg(27pCi=1Bq) を検出。時間不明。このWBCは遮蔽が50ton もあり核実験以前の鉄を使っているかと http://t.co/SeXMTVqWdb
@iina_kobe @fukuoka_donax @Calcijp 長崎西山地区でのWBCでは10-30 pCi/kg(27pCi=1Bq) を検出。時間不明。このWBCは遮蔽が50ton もあり核実験以前の鉄を使っているかと http://t.co/SeXMTVqWdb

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