荒井 正行 佐久間 俊雄 岩田 宇一 山田 隆之 中村 一義 岸本 喜久雄
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.66, no.641, pp.144-150, 2000-01-25
1 3

The surfaces of many industrial products, such as a holl drill, gas turbine engine and so on, are coated with diamond and ceramic material for improving the material properties.On the other hand, the surface may accumulate an oxidation layer by reaction of oxygen with inceasing time.These Common damage, in service, is "delamination".It is known that the delamiation will be caused by compressive stress in these coating layer which is generated by vibration and fatigue loading for industrial coating, and volume expansion for oxidation.The actual coating delamination process as follow had been clarified by many studies.The coating layer is buckled locally by compressive loadingand is then delaminated along the substrate.The aim of this study is to clarify the coating delamination mechanism under compressive stress by observing continuously buckling and delaminating process in the coating layer, which is modelled by engineering plastic in this study. The delamination evaluation method is proposed based on an interface mechanics, and an accuracy of the evaluation is examined using finite element analysis.Finally, the proposed evaluation are applied to the experimental results obtained by this study.


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こんな論文どうですか? 圧縮応力下での皮膜材のはく離過程の観察とはく離評価(荒井 正行ほか),2000 https://t.co/FFJiy4Olwe

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