河野 功 杢野 正明 山中 浩二 鈴木 孝 小山 浩 功刀 信
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.68, no.671, pp.2059-2066, 2002-07-25

ETS-VII is a test satellite to perform in-orbit demonstration of rendezvous docking (RVD) technology, which will be necessary for advanced space activities in the early 21^st century. ETS-VII successfully performed autonomous RVD in the first experiment flight. But in the second experiment flight, seberal times of Z-thruster misfiring occurred and they prevented for ETS-VII to accomplish docking for three weeks. To verify all technical items, the third experiment flight was replanned on condition that firing Z-thrusters should be minimized. And we modified on-board software to continue approach in case that Z-thrusters misfiring occur. ETS-VII succeeded in the third experiment as the result of these countermeasures. We present replanning of the third experiment flight and its result in this paper.


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こんな論文どうですか? ETS-VIIランデブ・ドッキング実験の再計画と飛行結果(機械力学,計測,自動制御)(河野 功ほか),2002 http://t.co/CdS2Go1N

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