松本 浩二 塩川 康夫 岡田 昌志 川越 哲男 カン・チェドン 平澤 良男
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.67, no.655, pp.804-809, 2001-03-25

An ice storage is one of the ways of effective use of thermal energy. So, studies on a slush ice as thermal storage material have been done. We have also been studying on a suspension (slush ice) made of oil-water mixture with cooling and stirring. From our study result, it was found that a kind of additive having amino group (-NH_2) and silanol group (-SiOH) was essential to make the suspension with high IPF without adhesion of ice to a cooling wall. Moreover, formed ices in the suspension were dispersed and granular state and ices did not stick each other. In the present paper, we carried out experiments to clarify the characteristics of the suspension formation process. From the experimental results, it was found that the substance in the suspension was not ice but a compound consisting of ice and additive by a thermal analysis of fusion of the substance. Then, at very small depression of solidification point (about 7℃) all water of the mixture could be solidified by using the additive.


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こんな論文どうですか? 油・水の混合液を用いた氷蓄熱 : 第2報 : 添加剤の製氷過程への影響の検討 : 熱工学 , 内燃機関 , 動力,2001 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110002397542
こんな論文どうですか? 油・水の混合液を用いた氷蓄熱 : 第2報 : 添加剤の製氷過程への影響の検討 : 熱工学 , 内燃機関 , 動力,2001 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110002397542

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