君塚 淳一
英米文化 (ISSN:09173536)
no.22, pp.39-49, 1992-03-31

Throughout their history before their immigration to America, Jewish people in the old world has always faced crises such as pogroms, holocausts or poverty. But it is also true that those crises made them aware of the intense consciousness of their Jewish identity. Their lives in America are well off and safe, however, which has ironically brought them a second crisis, that is their loss of identity. Therefore, it is needless to say that this loss of identity has been one of the themes of Jewish American writers. But being different from the writers who have remineded their readers of the old world and forced them to face the old crises, Paul Auster invents new circumstances in New York to warn his readers of this new identity crisis. This thesis compares earlier Jewish writers to Auster in order to illustrait his way of awakening the identity of American Jews.


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