狐崎 長琅 後藤 典俊 小林 芳正 井川 猛 堀家 正則 斉藤 徳美 黒田 徹 山根 一修 奥住 宏一
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.9, no.3, pp.1-17, 1990-12-31
45 75

The following two kinds of empirical relations are derived : 1) relations between the P-wave velocities and geological factors (facies, time, and depth), based on oil well data in Akita prefecture; 2) relations between the S-wave velocities and the P-wave ones, based on published and new data from in situ velocities measurements in relatively deep boreholes in Japan. Combination of the above two relations provides means for estimating the S-wave velocities from geological factors. A VSP experiment was carried out in a well of 1.3 km depth in Akita prefecture to provide this study with S- and P-wave data of oil field area. To demonstrate the purpose of this study, calculations of ground vibrations due to the vertically incident SH-waves are conducted for a two-dimentional seismic structure model corresponding to a typical sedimentary basin in Akita prefecture.


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こんな論文どうですか? 地震動予測のための深層地盤P・S波速度の推定(狐崎長琅ほか),1990 http://id.CiNii.jp/MVURL

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