- 著者
秋葉 光俊
- 出版者
- 日本バイオフィードバック学会
- 雑誌
- バイオフィードバック研究 (ISSN:03861856)
- 巻号頁・発行日
- vol.10, pp.60-64, 1983-06-30
The purpose of our research was to assess the effectiveness of biofeedback circuit during meditation periods experimentary and theoretically, using EEG-EMG biofeedback instruments. We commanded 10 students-Dept. of Electronic Engng.- to meditate, self suggest to grow warmer or to feel heavy in arms, and to have pleasant orunpleasant image, etc. We measured the percentage time Alpha during their self-control peroids without the biofeedback instruments and then with it. Only when it was recognized that their EMG potentials were lower than 2Q μV threshold, their percentage time Alpha were measured. The results showed that the average EEG Alpha increesed more than 20 percent except a few when they had trained using EEG-EMG biofeedback instruments. In this biofeedback loop, controlled variable is the rhythmic potential from thalamus to neocortex in the nervous "Hierarchy Control System". This valiable is compared with the desired value through the feedback circuit consists of the instruments and the auditony nervous system. We consider that the feed forward circuit including the learning function is added to the feedback circuit by each EEG EMG biofeedback training, and the training is to be useful to modify some parameters in this nervous control system.