岩田 清二 渡辺 宗孝
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.66, no.12, pp.468-471, 1957-12-15

An experiment was designed to analyse what sense organ is functioning in maze turning behavior of a pill-bug, Armadillidium vulgare. The animals operated were put one by one into a maze as shown in Fig. 1. Blinding both compound eyes has no serious influence on the behavior in the maze regarding the mode, the track and the rate of progression, except for fine zigzag walking in some individuals. Extirpation of antennae, on the contrary, reduces markedly the speed of walking and makes the animal walk holding its side of anterior body close to the wall of the path. Blinding, in this case also, does not affect the behavior. When either of two antennae is extirpated, the animal behaves depending upon the tactile sense of the remaining antenna or of the body surface of operated side. Even when the animal goes straight on at T-point till it comes contact with the distal wall at right angle, the initial tactile sensation is naturally induced by the remaining antenna. Therefore, the direction of turning at T-point is determined so as to keep the antennae contact with the distal wall. These results afford direct evidences to justify the thigmotaxis theory of alternate turning response of this animal, in which the progression and turning are claimed to depend not on the visual sense but on the positive thigmotaxis based on the tactile sense of antennae or body surface.


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