Minakawa Noboru Kurowski Kemper L. Yabe Mamoru
Entomological science (ISSN:13438786)
vol.4, no.4, pp.393-397, 2001-12-25

We examined the salinity tolerance of a small aquatic beetle species, Hygrotus impressopunctatus (Dytiscidae), collected from the Kuril Islands. All beetles in seawater died by the 13th day, and 21 out of 54 beetles were still alive in freshwater on the 13th day. One beetle survived in seawater for at least 12 days. Over 50% of the beetles survived the first four days in seawater, and their survival was almost the same as those in freshwater. The mean survival time of the beetles in seawater was 6.2 days. This study suggests that H. impressopunctatus could disperse via seawater, although their survival was significantly better in freshwater.


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