大坪 直人 戸村 義男 市川 隆男 雪野 一正 伊達 吉克 大久保 英彦
映像情報メディア学会技術報告 (ISSN:13426893)
vol.24, no.19, pp.31-35, 2000-02-25

On January 2000, NHK began broadcasting of a Hi-Definition Drama "Aoi - Tokugawa San-dai". In this drama, video compositing was applied for several scenes in order to realize grand-scale and realistic images, which are the main features of Hi-Definition. In the scene of "The Battle of Sekigahara", the great army with thousands of warriors was realized by compositing video images with 3-D Computer Graphics in multi-layers. In the crane-shot of Osaka Castle, digital painting was used to recreate the castle. By utilizing the merits of non-liner video compositing and 3-D CG, effective and efficient production of the drama was possible. In this report, an outline of the video compositing techniques within this drama will be explained.


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こんな論文どうですか? ハイビジョン大河ドラマ「葵-徳川三代」の映像合成(大坪 直人ほか),2000 http://id.CiNii.jp/PdUeL

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