清水 擴
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.207, pp.51-56, 73, 1973-05-30

From the eleventh century to the twelfth, many Amidados were built. More than half of them were three-bay-square halls. Few buildings of this type had been built by this time. What is the reason for the rapid increase in their construction? There are two reasons : the first and major one is that it was the smallest hall with a formal style; and the other and less important reason is that it coincided with the form of the Jogyodo, a hall which was formerly thought to be the prototype of the Amidado. In order to go to Jodo, a Buddhist heaven, after one's death, it is necessary to perform pious acts. For example, an aristocrat should build a Buddhist hall. The three-bay-square hall was the easiest type to build since it was the smallest hall with a formal style.


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