浜島 正士
日本建築学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03871185)
no.131, pp.57-62, 65, 1967-01-30

In Japanese architecture of the middle age, the corner-post is longer than the other. And so the bend occures on Kashiranuki, it reaches Gangyo through Tokyo, consequently Gangyo is bent. At Kaijusanji-Tower the straight bent of Kashiranuki starts from the center-point of interior-post, but the bend of Gangyo starts from the end of Makito. It shows that the bend of Gangyo is made regardless of Tokyo. And at corner-Tokyo, height of Waku-Hijiki of 45 degree enlarges at the end. From that reason the slope of Gangyo is steeper than Kashiranuki. In case of Tesakigumi-Tokyo; From the last age of Heian to the eary of Kamakura the way of Kaijusanji is used generally, for example Tchijoji-Tower Ishiyamadera-Tower Toshodaiji-koro, etc. From the middle age of Kamakura on ward accordingly enlargement of its section and transformation of Sane-Hijiki, also the bend of Gangyo changes, and so it starts from the center-point of interior-post in the same case as Kashiranuki. So that at interior-Tokyu Sane-Hijiki bends on the center, or the outside of Makito is taller than the inside. That is to say, the bend of Gangyo is made in process that Tokyo is constructed. For example Ishiteji-Tower Myooin-Tower Jotokuji-Entuden, etc. In Muromachi age, at corner-Tokyo instead of the way of Kaijiusanji, the end of Tori-Hijiki is bent horizontally. For that, the slope of Gangyo is able to eque Kashiranuki. In case of Mitudogumi-Tokyo; The bend of Gangyo starts straight from the center-point of interior-post, and its slope is Gangyo starts straight from the center-point of interior-post, and its slope is equel Kashiranuki.


教えて!goo (1 users, 1 posts)

既読なら笑って許して下さい^^ たとえば書籍なら下記あたりからではないでしょうか? ・『日本建築の研究 下(伊東忠太建築文献2)/伊東忠太(著)/ 伊東忠太建築文献編纂会(編)/竜吟社/1936』…多宝塔構造・変遷… ・『日本建築の研究 上(伊東忠太建築文献1)/伊東忠太(著)/ 伊東忠太建築文献編纂会(編)/竜吟社/1937』…木造多宝塔解説… また下記URLの論集 ...

OKWave (1 users, 1 posts)

既読なら笑って許して下さい^^ たとえば書籍なら下記あたりからではないでしょうか? ・『日本建築の研究 下(伊東忠太建築文献2)/伊東忠太(著)/ 伊東忠太建築文献編纂会(編)/竜吟社/1936』…多宝塔構造・変遷… ・『日本建築の研究 上(伊東忠太建築文献1)/伊東忠太(著)/ 伊東忠太建築文献編纂会(編)/竜吟社/1937』…木造多宝塔解説… また下記URLの論集等 ...

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