サフワン 土居 義岳
日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系
no.41, pp.601-604, 2002-03-01

This paper is aimed at elucidating R. F. Chisholm's various influences on his work at the Baroda college (1881-1889). Most of the analysis will be focusing on his dome work in comparison with his influence. As a result of this analysis, the following conclusions are made : Chisholm mainly adopted the Gol-Gumbaz's (c. 1626-1656) principles, especially on the design of pendantive, the dome's works of Christopher Wren (b.1632-d.1723) and Filippo Brunelleschi (b.1377-d.1446). This principle adoption is used for all domes in his design during his works in India and London. As for materials, Chisholm mainly used the local materials.


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こんな論文どうですか? バロダ大学ドームにおけるR・F・チザム設計に関する研究(サフワンほか),2002 http://t.co/jHSc2mI8Gw

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