高松 由子 土居 義岳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.546, pp.275-282, 2001
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From the second half of the 18th century to the early part of the 19th century, "the Aryan theory" was established. The first Governor-General of Bengal, W. Hastings applied this theory in his India administration. After he retired from his part for the Governor-General, he was impeached by the House of Commons. In 1800, "The Hindoo Temple at.Melchet Park" was built to tell future Hastings's administration and the retrieval of his lost honor for the Governor-General. Hastings had the Aryan theory, which was reflected the inscriptions, the architecture, and the landscape at Melchet Park by the designer T. Daniell.
高松 由子 土居 義岳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.578, pp.191-198, 2004-04-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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The Asiatic Society (established in Calcutta in 1784) published their magazine The Asiatic Researches (vol.I-XX, 1788-1839). In the latter part of the 18th century, the linguist W. Chambers, the mathematician R. Burrow and the astronomer J. Goldingham presented the monographs relative to Indian Architecture to The Asiatik Researches. They were not the specialist in Architecture, although, at "Chambers's monograph," there is a idea which the ruins at Mahabalipuram was built by the sryle of Architecture in the Ancient North India. At "Burrow's monograph," there is a view which the architecture and the pillar in India was perceived to have the identity and the universality with those in Ancient Egypt and Europe. At "Goldingham's monograph, there is a idea which there was the origin of cave in the Ancient India, and which the Cave at Elephanta was copied from the system of this original. At three monographs, there was the near idea of the theory on origin in the views on India Architecture, and this idea had been known to the members of the Society.
小柳 由紀子 土居 義岳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.68, no.570, pp.125-131, 2003-08-30 (Released:2017-02-09)
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This study aims both at reproducing the original plan of Madame du Deffand's apartment based on her inventory after death and at defining the feminine specificity of 18th century French women's habitations. Using this method based on the inventory after death developed by the Ecole d'Annales in France, we describe the functional characteristics of each room, mainly in terms of size and design. Analyzing the restitution's results in perspective with the knowledge of fine art and furniture, we shed further light on the social and cultural life of 18th century French women.
高松 由子 土居 義岳
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.591, pp.209-216, 2005

William Hodges pointed out Grecian Architecture was not the most excellent architecture, in his "Dissertation." He gave his opinion that the first habitations had been brought to an architectural perfection while they had been influenced by the climate, the pursuits, the habits and the materials. He supposed the architectures had originated from the Hut (or Tent), or the Caverns. He thought the forces of Nature had formed the types of Architecture in the Caverns. There was an aesthetic element in his opinion. He thought Grecian, Roman, Chinese Architecture had originated from the Hut or the Tent. He thought Egyptian, Hindoo, Moorish and Gothic Architecture had originated from the Caverns, and these architectures had been brought to an equal perfection with Grecian Architecture. In his opinioin about Indian Architecture, there was the near idea of the theory of architectural origin.
サフワン 土居 義岳
日本建築学会研究報告. 九州支部. 3, 計画系
no.41, pp.601-604, 2002-03-01

This paper is aimed at elucidating R. F. Chisholm's various influences on his work at the Baroda college (1881-1889). Most of the analysis will be focusing on his dome work in comparison with his influence. As a result of this analysis, the following conclusions are made : Chisholm mainly adopted the Gol-Gumbaz's (c. 1626-1656) principles, especially on the design of pendantive, the dome's works of Christopher Wren (b.1632-d.1723) and Filippo Brunelleschi (b.1377-d.1446). This principle adoption is used for all domes in his design during his works in India and London. As for materials, Chisholm mainly used the local materials.