宮田 義郎
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.12, no.3, pp.195-202, 1993-09-15

Harmonic Grammar is a PDP-based approach to formal theories of linguistic well-formedness, applicable to various kinds of linguistic well-formendness, e. g., phonological and syntactic. The central hypothesis is that a measure called "harmony", defined as a function of the state of a PDP network, can be used to model linguistic well-formedness. Harmonic Grammar is a two-level theory, involving a distributed, lower level PDP network whose relevant aggregate computational behavior is described by a local, higher level network which is isoharmonic to the former. The approach is designed to incorporate insights gained from symbolic analyses into the numerical framework of PDP networks, which then allow automatic learning of grammar, as a set of soft rules, from real linguistic data. An application to a syntactic problem of unaccusativity in French showed a coverage of this problematic data greatly exceeding that of any other formal account of which we are aware.


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