川野 聡恭 丸山 洋平
シミュレーション (ISSN:02859947)
vol.23, no.1, pp.36-41, 2004-03-15

In the present paper, a simple model for electron-DNA scattering based on quantum theory is proposed. A mathematical formula for governing equations of e-DNA collisions is derived by use of the present model. A numerical code for solving the differential equations is developed. Furthermore, a simple prediction method based on the calculated total cross section is proposed for DNA double strand breaks. The comparison between the predictions and the previous experiments is made in detail for DNA double strand breaks. They are in qualitative agreement and the validity of the present model is confirmed.


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電子衝突によるDNAらせん崩壊の量子力学的アプローチ(<特集>ライフサイエンス) http://t.co/A3hhIJn87b

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