國眼 陽子 望月 修
日本流体力学会年会講演論文集 (ISSN:13428004)
vol.2003, pp.208-209, 2003-07-28

A motion of an ameba moving by crawling over a surface was investigated in order to apply it to a micro soft robot. An ameba was observed by using a high-powered microscope. For cytoplasmic streaming in ameba, granular materials with a diameter of 1.5μm in ameba were traced by a micro PTV measurement instead of injection of micro partices. Change in velocity vector distribution in ameba was obtained in every 1/30 second. Ratios of influx to efflux of several parts in ameba were estimated. Maximum velocity of cytoplasmic flowing into a stretching pseudopodia was found to be 4 times larger than the stretching speed. Cytoplasmic flow rates of inflow and outflow in the all tested parts were unbalanced.


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こんな論文どうですか? B-214 アメーバの原形質流動,2003 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003948311

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