井竿 富雄
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.10, pp.33-42, 2004-03-25

The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between Japan's Intervention in Siberia and the Rice Riot in Yamaguchi Prefecture. In August 1918, Able-bodied men from 20 ages from the Western area of Yamaguchi Prefecture was mobilized for the Intervention in Siberia. Following that, there were a number of Rice Riot in Japan, particularly in urban areas. While no Rice Riots occurred in Shimonoseki, the largest city in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the most violent riot in Japanese history occurred in the village of Ube, a coal mining region. In this article, the author looks at the relationship between Japan's Intervention in Siberia and the Rice Riot in Yamaguchi Prefecture through specific examples.


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