野口 義廣
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.3, pp.27-64, 102_a, 101_a, 1997-03-25

In its height of prosperity of Muromachi era, there existed, though the date of origin is uncertain, a legend that the founder of Ouchi, whose family was a feudal lord of seven regions of the ancient Suo, now called Yamaguchi, was born in the Country of Kudara in Korean Peninsura. His name was Prince Rinsho, third prince to the King Seimei. In the folk story there exists a datum that the year of the influx of Prince Rinsho is the first year of Jokyo (A.D. 611). This designation does not appear in The Chronicles of Japan, but in what you call "Kyushu Year-Number". This paper is to aim at the consideration of why such a mysterious way of thinking is to be seen in the reference data of Ouchi and what it means by.
李 修京
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.10, pp.A1-A10, 2004-03-25

This article examines the massacre of Koreans that followed immediately after the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 and the way it was reported in the media in Japan and Korea. In particular, I investigate the importance of reporting under conditions in which society is not functioning normally, when social structure is marked by a strong dualism between controllers/controlled, aggressors/victims.
安渓 遊地 安渓 貴子
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.11, pp.55-67, 2005-03-25

This is a collection of the narratives of Mr. AKAGI Hayashi, an eminent story-teller living in Tokuji Town, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Based on his field surveys begun five decades ago, he kindly invited us to visit sites of historical and folkloric interest scattered throughout Tokuji. Every time he guided us, we were happily surprised by his ability to narrate centuries-old oral traditions in detail as if they happened only yesterday. The core of his narratives was the Herculean acts of a Buddhist priest, Saint Chogen (1121-1206), who used timbers from the Tokuji forest to rebuild the Todaiji Temple, a World Heritage in Nara, which had been destroyed during the civil war of Genji and Heike. Although almost every cultural heritage in Tokuji, Buddhist statues, saunas, tea cultivation, paper-making and so on, is affiliated to Saint Chogen, Mr. AKAGI also expands his vivid biographic narratives to such recent times as Santoka (1882-1940), a famous poet of haiku, who lived and died as a vagabond mendicant.
國守 進
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.3, pp.1-12, 101_a, 1997-03-25

This paper, in succession to the previous 2 reports (Bulletin of The Fuculty of Literature, Yamaguchi Women's University, No. 3, 1993. Bulletin of The Faculty of International Studies, Yamaguchi Women's University, No. 1, 1995), introduces Fragmentary Documents on the Backside of Daihannya-Sutras at'Shogo-Hachiman Shrine. In introducing, the following points are taken into consideration: 1) the same form of documents are introduced as collectively as possible. 2) Principal Signatures (Ka6) are introduced in photographs. 3) Trifling documents, if they are worth much attention, are introduced. 4) Documents with their dates are chronologically arranged.
稲田 秀雄
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.3, pp.65-74, 102_a, 1997-03-25

Concerning Mai-Kyogen (or dancing comic interludes), particular farce parodying both the form and wording of Noh, we rearranged the orders of the composition of each work, and made a synthetic consideration of the characteristics of the plot and plan. Mai-Kyogen is classified into the following two systems : in one of which ghosts of handicraftsmen and showfolk play leading roles and in the other of which ghosts of little living things (who are generally doomed to be eaten by human beings) play leading roles. The latter system came into existence in the style of the former one, but the ideas of both systems bear a profound relation to each other, in which are described handicraftsmen and showfolk, living things who help them make a living, and the relations with those poeple who consume and enjoy the products and public entertainments created by handicraftsmen and showfolk. Wherein we can recognize a new aspect different from one aspect as a parodied Noh indicated up to now.
池田 史子
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.10, pp.A21-A27, 2004-03-25

Nouns in the Iki Katsumoto dialect have two types of accent systems ; one is the oxytone, and the other is the proparoxytone. However, there is only one type of accent system in 1-mora nouns. Compound nouns also have two types of accent systems ; one is the oxytone, and the other is the proparoxytone. When a 1-mora noun is independent, the accent has only one type. However, when it becomes the second element of a compound noun, a potential distinction between the oxytone and the proparoxytone is maintained. By observing the rule of compound accents, it becomes possible to point out the internal reconstruction of the pitch of the past 1-mora nouns.
鈴木 隆泰
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.10, pp.21-31, 2004-03-25

Sho-gyo-mu-jo (諸行無常. sarvasamskara anityah in orignal Sanskrit) is one of the most fundamental ideas of Buddhism. It has been generally regarded as "everything is evanescent" in Japan, but this interpretation represents only a small part of the idea since the word sarvasamskara means not only "everything" but also "mental conformation or creation of the mind (such as that of the external world, regarded by it as real, though actually non-existerit) ," and the word anitya means not only "evanescent" but "coming into existence." The purpose of this paper is to re-examine the idea Sho-gyo-mu-jo by referring to the usage in the context of Indian Buddhism and to show its proper meaning.
安渓 遊地
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.8, pp.107_a, 78_a-69_a, 2002-03-25

This is the summarized record of a 10-year conflict between a local Japanese woman and Mr. TATEMATSU Wahei, a famous writer. Ten years ago, the author and his wife stayed on an island in southernmost Japan, where they met with the woman. She narrated to them the islanders' animistic cosmology and the local wisdom that had been handed down through generations. They agreed to work together, and printed the narratives to be read by the islanders. Later, Mr. Tatematsu visited the island, obtained the pamphlet, and made use of it. He published articles using her narratives including her name and the name of the island. However, because the narrator and the editors were not informed, they unanimously protested to him about such an abuse of their work. Further, the woman could no longer continue her work of dyeing and weaving textiles because of the increase of the tourists wishing to see her. Knowing that these visitors were guided by the book written by Mr. Tatematsu, she and the editers demanded a withdrawal of the copies of his book to stop the violation of their human rights of privacy and copyright. The writer neglected their demands for a whole year until he was openly blamed for other plagiarisms from the writings of criminals under sentence of death. With this news, the woman decided to organize an association to cope with the' human rights violations by Mr. Tatematsu.
にしゃんた J.A.T.D.
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.13, pp.a35-a51, 2007-03-31

International is not a new word for Japanese, this word has been used for a long period. However this word International does not mean the same thing to both Japanese and non Japanese in this country. In this paper we will study how the word International appears in the eyes of non Japanese. Japan these days has come to the stage where it is suffering from a declining number of children and labor force. Acceptance of immigration has been pointed out as an answer to this problem. However, before Japan can move to the next stage of accepting new immigrants, arguments are needed for postponed or ignored issues that been occurred in the past time in this country, issues which obstruct Japan from becoming a multicultural society.
池田 史子
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.12, pp.A11-A21, 2006-03-07

This article examines the accent system of nouns in the dialect of Tokuji Town, located in Yamaguchi Prefecture. In addition the article looks at the accent rules which are made when these nouns are put together to form compound nouns. It was found that the accent of these compound nouns is decided by the number of mora in the second element of the compound noun.
下笠 徳次
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.4, pp.98_a-97_a, 68_a-49_a, 1998-03-25

In our previous paper ("Aspects of Alice's Personality As Seen in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", Bulletin of The Faculty of International Studies, Yamaguchi Women's University, No. 2,1996,pp. 87-94), we discussed Alice the heroine's characters or personality in detail. As a result, we found that Alice is a girl of 'multi-character'. Now, what about Alice's personality in the latter literary work? We readers are very much interested in how much Alice's personality has changed between these two masterpieces of juvenile literature. It is of great importance to keep in mind that there is time span of six years between these two works : the composition date of the former work is 1865,and that of the latter is 1871. Despite this chronological fact, Alice has grown only half a year in the latter literary work. The fact that there is only half a year of time lag in Alice's age between these two works seems to have a connection with whether we can recognize some changes in her personality throughout these two Alice Books. Taken all in all, plus-oriented personality seems to be far more outstanding. Plus-oriented characters do not weaken even when she grows older. On the other hand, minus-oriented characters tend to lessen toward the latter work. As there is time lag of six years between the two works, Alice should be fairly grown-up or maturer. Nevertheless, Alice's characters haven't changed noticeably. It is just because she has grown only half a year old from the former to the latter work. We find that Mr. Dodgson wanted Alice to remain pretty and naive for any length of time. Mr. Dodgson didn't want her to get older. He wanted her to be an eternal little girl or child.
鈴木 隆泰
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.11, pp.31-44, 2005-03-25

Modern Buddhist Studies based on the methodology of Indo-European philology has estimated that 'Original Indian Buddhism' is philosophical, rational, reasonable, non-ritualistic and non-magical. This image of Indian Buddhism often deprives a sincere Japanese Buddhist who has been engaged in rites and performing magic of his self-confidence. However, is it really true that there are essential differences between Japanese Buddhism and Indian Buddhism? This question still remains unsettled. This paper attempts to resolve this estrangement established between Japanese and Indian Buddhism by primarily examining some ritual aspects of Indian Buddhism, and moreover proposes clues for reevaluating modern Japanese Buddhism.
渡辺 克義
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.13, pp.a77-a86, 2007-03-31

En tiu ci artikolo autoro analizas polajn familianajn nomojn el la vidpunkto de sufiksoj. Autoro uzas la datumojn el la libro, 1000 najpopularniejszych nazwisk w Polsce [1000 plej popularaj familianaj nomoj en Pollando], skribita de Jaroslaw Maciej Zawadzki. -ach/-acha : Lach, Lach, Mach, Stelmach, Banach, Wach; Socha, Mucha. (8 nomoj) -acz: Garbacz, Bogacz, Tkacz, Kopacz, Tracz, Grzybacz (6 nomoj) -aj/-aja : Gaj, Czekaj, Maj, Sobieraj; Czaja (5 nomoj) -ak : Robak, Chrobak, Rybak, Rodak, Kubiak, Jakubiak, ...Matuszak (116 nomoj) -al/-ala: Moskal, Goral, ...Kowal; Rogaka, ...Tomala, Kosmala, Sala (9 nomoj) -al/-ala: Musial; Domagala, Puchala, Pierzchala, Zapaka, ...Zyka (10 nomoj) -as: Skoczylas, Bialas, Janas, Pietras, Wojtas (5 nomoj) -ek: Dabek, Golabek, Jarzabek, Grzybek, Wiacek, Wiecek, ...Brozk (81 nomoj) -icz/-ycz: Kozakiewicz, Mackiewicz, ...Wojtowicz, Wojtowicz (23 nomoj) -ik/yk: Drabik, Kubik, ...Guzik; Tkaczyk, ...Kasprzyk, Pietrzyk (73 nomoj) -ski/-cki: Kubacki, ...Zarzycki; Grabski, ...Brzozowski; Sieradzki, ...Rudzki (356 nomoj) -uk: Hajduk, Romaniuk, Wnuk, Kruk, Kowalczuk, Zuk (6 nomoj) Polaj familianaj nomoj kun sufkso-ach plej versajne signifas dininutivojn el personaj nomoj, sed estas kelkaj esceptoj.
李 修京
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.11, pp.A1-A10, 2005-03-25

This study seeks to investigate the social influence of culture and its potential in the construction of a peaceful society by considering the case of artistic and cultural movements that were initiated by H.Barbusse in France after the World War I and were disseminated to Japan and Korea then in quite different social circumstances. The author introduces "the Clarte movement" and the activities of Japanese and Korean literary figures who tried to succeed the spirit of H.Barbusse who endeavored to build a transnational network of peace-oriented cooperation through cultural exchange.
井竿 富雄
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.10, pp.33-42, 2004-03-25

The purpose of this article is to explore the relationship between Japan's Intervention in Siberia and the Rice Riot in Yamaguchi Prefecture. In August 1918, Able-bodied men from 20 ages from the Western area of Yamaguchi Prefecture was mobilized for the Intervention in Siberia. Following that, there were a number of Rice Riot in Japan, particularly in urban areas. While no Rice Riots occurred in Shimonoseki, the largest city in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the most violent riot in Japanese history occurred in the village of Ube, a coal mining region. In this article, the author looks at the relationship between Japan's Intervention in Siberia and the Rice Riot in Yamaguchi Prefecture through specific examples.
川口 喜治
山口県立大学國際文化學部紀要 (ISSN:13427148)
vol.13, pp.a93-a105, 2007-03-31
