中村 直人 相見 優 河口 秀夫
vol.2004, no.14, pp.406-408, 2004-07-11

This is a description of new technologies that we have started to develop for a heat exchanger and pump unit, focusing attention on energy saving in the heat transmission of air-conditioning systems. The heat source of this system uses an absorption chiller/heater, while the indoor units are general-purpose air conditioner. Water is used to transmit heat vertically through the building, whereas HFC refrigerant is used to transmit it horizontally. The HFC is conveyed to the indoor unit by a low-head pump. One of the most important benefits is that energy consumption of heat transmission can be reduced approximately by 50% compared to heat transmission by water and approximately by 10% compared to heat transmission by refrigerant. This can be achieved by no water head and latent heat of HFC.


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こんな論文どうですか? 冷温水・フロンハイブリッド熱搬送技術の開発状況(エネルギー有効利用(1),空気調和・冷凍・エネルギー有効利用技術)(中村 直人ほか),2004 http://t.co/Zi1LgMpw
こんな論文どうですか? 冷温水・フロンハイブリッド熱搬送技術の開発状況(エネルギー有効利用(1),空気調和・冷凍・エネルギー有効利用技術)(中村 直人ほか),2004 http://t.co/Zi1LgMpw
こんな論文どうですか? 冷温水・フロンハイブリッド熱搬送技術の開発状況(エネルギー有効利用(1),空気調和・冷凍・エネルギー有効利用技術)(中村 直人ほか),2004 http://id.CiNii.jp/RBaKL

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