永田 勝也 納富 信 小野田 弘士 日比野 壮 秦 健宏 小野田 哲也 愛澤 政仁
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2004, pp.447-450, 2004

In recent years global environmental problems become aggravated, the shift to the sustainable society is required. The quantitative environmental load assessment is necessary to achieve the sustainable society. Though various LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method is developed for such a demand, it is pointed out that there are a lot of problems in existing LCA. To solve such problems, Eco-Efficiency Potential Assessment (E2-PA) was developed. In this paper, we study on Hazardous Intensity (HI). HI is Materials and Energy for taking hazardous substances into harmless as Potential, but the process for taking hazardous substances into harmless is not decided. So in this research HI is alternated by two methods (Method 1: alternate by the intensity for virgin resources. Method 2: alternate by the ratio of hazardous factor to the standard substance). Then we show the products' assessment result by using alternated HI, and compares it with other LCA. As a result, validity as the potential evaluation of E2-PA is shown.


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こんな論文どうですか? 環境効用ポテンシャル評価手法の開発 : 有害物質資源強度HIの作成(その他の環境関連技術(2),その他の環境関連技術)(永田 勝也ほか),2004 https://t.co/DH7wGteqgN In recent year…

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