高橋 真一 中村 祐二 山下 博史 鎌田 祐一 矢野 賢司 橋本 みゆき 伊藤 誠
vol.2004, pp.59-60, 2004-11-10

In this paper, a dependence factor of soot emissivity on wavelength, a is studied in a counterflow propane diffusion flame by spectroscopic measurement. The spectrometer is set vertically to the nozzle and radiation of luminous flame is obtained each height from the lower burner. The emissivity is calculated from emissive power of luminous flame and blackbody furnace, and a is obtained by analysis of the emissivty. The relations between a and temperature, wavelength and distance from lower burner are examined. Results show that a is smaller with longer wavelength in the range of 600nm - 1000nm. Additionally, it is suggested that a also depends on soot conditions.


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こんな論文どうですか? 分光法によるプロパン対向流拡散火炎中の煤放射特性の計測(一般セッション 燃焼 II)(高橋真一ほか),2004 http://id.CiNii.jp/RBoBL

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