松本 興助 有井 士郎 田邉 博典 水本 洋
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2004, pp."418-1"-"418-5", 2004-09-27

This paper deals with two types of trajectory planning method for three-link flexible arms. By using the desired trajectories obtained by the proposed methods, the flexible arms can rotate from each initial position to desired locations in given movement execution time without large troublesome vibrations. And additional feedback control devices besides the controller of existing actuators are not necessary. In order to confirm the effect of the desired trajectories on reducing the vibrations of the flexible arms, the responses of the three-link flexible arms were simulated numerically. It can be seen from the numerical results that the vibrations of the flexible arms were reduced enough by using the desired trajectories.


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こんな論文どうですか? 418 水平面内を動作する3リンク柔軟アームの振動抑制軌道生成(フレキシブルマルチボディダイナミクス,OS-14:マルチボディダイナミクス)(松本興助ほか),2004 http://id.CiNii.jp/SDHWL

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