西城 恵一
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering (ISSN:03878511)
vol.12, pp.21-27, 1989

In order to develop our previous works for Mira type variables (SAIJO and WATANABE, 1987; SAIJO, 1988), the period and magnitude of 21 semiregular variable stars are studied by using return maps. According to our previous works, return maps are classified into three types, Type 1,Type 2 and Type 3. Analysis on the period shows similar result to Mira type stars, which means that nearly all the semiregular stars belong to Type 3. Analysis on the magnitude shows that semiregular stars belong to two Types, Type 1 and Type 3. Discussion is also given.


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こんな論文どうですか? <国立科学博物館研究報告>判規則型変光星の回帰図 : 周期と等級(英文)(西城 恵一),1989 http://t.co/F7Ogc5YZ
こんな論文どうですか? <国立科学博物館研究報告>判規則型変光星の回帰図 : 周期と等級(英文)(西城 恵一),1989 http://t.co/F7Ogc5YZ

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