佐々木 勝浩
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering (ISSN:03878511)
vol.4, pp.31-40, 1981

The Foucault's Pendulum in the National Science Museum was replaced by a new improved model in January-April 1981. Before that, some theoretical investigation and experiments, such as measurements of the damping rate and elliptical motion were carried out. We have compared two kinds of suspension. One is the "bolt type" in which the upper end of the wire is simply fixed by a bolt. Another is the "knife edge type" in which the wire is suspended by a ring equipped with double knife edges. The measurements of both the damping rate and the elliptical motion of the pendulum showed that the knife edge type is slightly better. In consideration of the result of the experiments, the bob and the wire changed in size and material, and the suspension ring was improved. The length of the new pendulum is 1950 cm, about 50 cm than before, and the new bob was made of stainless steel instead of lead. Stainless steel is less dense than lead but it is more suitable for the precise shaping and fine finish. The new bob is 23 cm in diameter, 3 cm longer than the old one. The writer designed a new suspension ring to increase the rigidity as shown in Figure 4. The formance of new pendulum is almost satisfactory but no remarkable decrease of damping rate and elliptical motion were observed.


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電動の補助をつけたフーコーの振り子は知りません。 (まあ振動式ジャイロスコープは「電動のフーコーの振り子」みたいなものですが) フーコーの振り子は永遠に動く必要はありません。最長1日動けば十分です。そこで減衰が少ないように(重く、長く、摩擦が少なく)作られています。 電動式にしたら本当に地球の自転を反映しているのかという疑惑を持たれ、説得力を失うでしょう。 たとえば国立科学博物館に ...

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